Verboticism: Pressoccupied

'Excuse me, but that's my button.'

DEFINITION: v. To push a push-button that has just been pushed by someone else because you "need" to push it yourself; common at elevators, traffic lights, and family meetings. n. A person who "needs" to push their own buttons.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: presäkyəpīd

Sentence: Ever since she was little Tracy has been pressoccupied. Whenever she was in an elevator she wanted to be the one to press the button. Crossing a downtown street? **ME PUSH, ME PUSH!** It was so bad that she was banned from participating in the Take Your Child to Work program at the missle silo where her father works.

Etymology: press (move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force) + preoccupation (a subject or matter that engrosses someone)

Points: 548