Verboticism: Misindictator

'I must admit that I find you very attractive'

DEFINITION: v. To send out confused or conflicting signals when driving or dating. n. A person who signals their intentions to do one thing, then does something else completely different.

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: mihs-ihn-dihk-tay-tohr

Sentence: Off on a weekend holiday to Florida, Bitsy was bummed by the way she was having to slow down. Through three traffic light changes she had watched the little old couple in the car ahead calmly discuss whether to turn right or left, their signal indicators bearing witness to their decision-making skills. Oh, that her rental car could sprout wings and fly over these benevolent misindictators!

Etymology: Blending MIS, meaning false + INDICATE, meaning to give signals + DICTATOR, meaning to rule absolutely

Points: 1154

Comments: Misindictator

splendiction - 2009-04-25: 12:23:00
Excellent word. It is frustrating when you're caught up in other people's confusion! I think your sentence captures misindicators well.