Verboticism: Hyperobnoxitive

'How could she bring him without a leash.'

DEFINITION: n. An unleashed pet (or boyfriend) which is running amuck, chasing cars, eating garbage, and jumping on innocent bystanders. v. To unleash your pet and let him or her run wild.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: hyper-ob-nox-i-tive

Sentence: Carol was afraid that Steve's behavior was becoming more and more bizarre. She couldn't have her friends over anymore for fear that they would be alarmed by his increasingly unrestrained, gauche behavior. One day, while waiting for her nail appointment, she read in a Woman's magazine the 7 warning signs of hyperobnoxitivity. She never knew there was a name for his condition. All this time she thought it was the beer. So she took the test and was shocked. There ws no doubt. Steve was hyperobnoxitive. Carol quickly called her therapist to have Steve diagnosed so he could begin treatment. Perhaps this would save her marriage.

Etymology: Hyper: pref. (Greek: huper) over, beyond; excessive. Obnoxious: adj. highly objectionable, offensive Sensitive: adj. physiology--having a low threshold of sensation or feeling.

Points: 857

Comments: Hyperobnoxitive

silveryaspen - 2009-03-19: 13:23:00
It was a great idea to treat this condition like a disease! You might have set us all a challenge for the day ... to create a pill for hyperobnoxtivity! It will be fun to check back and see if you or anyone else does.

mrskellyscl - 2009-03-19: 13:34:00
Sadly, this isn't completely curable -- however, some therapies such as cold shoulder and couch have been known to help manage it. Anyone who would like to donate to find a cure, let me know.

mrskellyscl - 2009-03-19: 13:40:00
Sadly, this isn't completely curable -- however, some therapies such as cold shoulder and couch have been known to help manage it. Anyone who would like to donate to find a cure, let me know.

mrskellyscl - 2009-03-19: 13:40:00
oops! sorry

mrskellyscl - 2009-03-19: 13:48:00
oops! sorry

silveryaspen - 2009-03-19: 16:40:00
Excellent treatments! Your wonderful wit brought lots of laughter. Perhaps you could do some mindtricks using a medicine, a pill created and named just for him ... the placeboob.