Verboticism: Animalculinguist

'When I look into your big green eyes...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who insists that lower life forms (fish, clams, cephalopods, reptiles, or insects) can be affectionate pets and excellent watchdogs. v. To talk to an animal who can't possibly understand a single word you're saying.

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: an-eh-mal-kyu-ling-gwist

Sentence: Dr. Anthea Pod was shocked when she received the letter cutting off her government funding. For years she had been known as the world's foremost animalculinguist. For over 40 years she had been celebrated as the authority and researcher of the languages of small or microscopic organisms. At long last, her book, Tiny Talkers: Languages of the Hidden Ones, was about to be published by the University of California at Berkeley. "Why, oh, why," she cried out in her laboratory. But, she knew who could comfort her. She knew who heard her. She knew who would always be there for her.

Etymology: From ANIMALCULE, a very small or microscopic organism + LINGUIST, one who specializes in languages

Points: 1019

Comments: Animalculinguist

splendiction - 2009-01-28: 16:21:00
-great word & sentence/narrative!