Verboticism: Cusstodium
DEFINITION: v. To leave your pet, child or lover in the care of a friend or relative who teaches them a stupid trick or bad habit. n. A stupid trick or bad habit learned from a caregiver.
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: Cust owe dee um
Sentence: Daniel sighed in relief to be home. The month-long work trip had incultivated various nasty habits he planned to exorcise, but first poor George had to be retrieved from the neighbour. The bird seemed happy to see him, hopping up and down, flapping it's wings. "Farqueue!" said the bird. "Farqueue!Farqueue!" And Daniel just stared. Beside him sniggered the teenage son, responsible no doubt for this true cusstodium, his parrot no longer suitable for nursing home visits.
Etymology: Cuss - to use naughty words; Custodian - caretaker; Odium - obnoxious thing. Naughty obnxious words acquired from one's caretaker.
Points: 938