Verboticism: Alamodeification

'You made that without using a real turkey?'

DEFINITION: v., To leave out an important ingredient when you are sharing a favorite recipe so that no one else can make it taste as good as yours. n., A recipe that is missing one or more key ingredients.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: a/la/mode/i/fi/cay/shun

Sentence: Sally's piece de resistance at the end of a meal was her famous homemade ice cream. When guests begged for her recipe she always gave then the one with the alamodeification.

Etymology: a la mode + modification

Points: 713

Comments: Alamodeification

silveryaspen - 2008-11-26: 13:00:00
Perhaps you left 'Alamo' out of your etymology deliberately??? What a clever way to convey the failure of the alamodeification!

metrohumanx - 2008-11-26: 14:11:00
A tip of the hat to a MASTER verbotomist.

Nosila - 2008-11-26: 20:43:00
Great word...I'dlike some vanilla right now myself!

OZZIEBOB - 2008-11-27: 02:16:00
Great word. Also brings to mind of events at SAN ANTONIO, Texas in 1836.