Verboticism: Freerangedunhill
DEFINITION: v., To eat a strictly regulated diet in order to compensate for a complete lack of control when it comes to drinking. n., A smoker and drinker who becomes a vegan in order to "reverse the damage".
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: /Free-range-dun-hill/
Sentence: Skye's ambition to live a long and fulfilled life was secured by her choice of tobacacao, which was the finest blended freerangedunhill. She had her donor card tattooed on just in case of a tragic accident. She thought someone ought to get the benefit of her careful lifestyle.
Etymology: Freerangedunhill. Person who makes poor lifestyle choices due their own ignorance or blindness. From Free Range, allowed to roam as a chicken or stock animal, and Dunhill, a branded tobacco.
Points: 698