Verboticism: Marksallot

DEFINITION: v. To create an impression that you have made a positive contribution, especially when related to career activities. n. A personal mark or imprint which proves that you have done something that matters.
Created by: d1420
Pronunciation: mahrks uh-lot
Sentence: Looking to also leave a genetic marksallot on the National Basketball Association, Wilt "The Big Dipper" Chamberlain scored with 20,000 women during his basketball career in hopes that a small fraction of the potential offspring would bounce into the NBA.
Etymology: mark(s) = evidence of the influence or involvement of somebody or something + allot = to appropriate for a special purpose *also see Marks-A-Lot to gain further clarity
Points: 1010
Comments: Marksallot
OZZIEBOB - 2008-05-06: 17:57:00
Verey nice.