Verboticism: Recyclivity

'Is that toilet paper on your clothesline?'

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively wash and excessively reuse "disposable items", like paper cups, plastic utensils or kleenex tissues. n. An obsessive compulsion to reuse disposable items, often combined with a disposal inhibition.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: re - syke - LIV - uh - ty

Sentence: Belinda's propensity for saving and recycling any all all manner of disposable materials had evolved into full blown, out of control recyclivity.

Etymology: Blend of recycle and proclivity (habitual inclination or tendency)

Points: 1217

Comments: Recyclivity

Nosila - 2008-04-18: 01:21:00
We should all have a proclivity for recyclivity, especially with Earth Day coming on Apr.22 ... good one, Mustang!