Verboticism: Inyerfaceinvader

'Do you mind sitting somewhere else?'

DEFINITION: v. tr., To invade another person's personal space by sitting, standing or hovering unnecessarily close. n., A person who habitually stands or sits "uncomfortably close" when communicating with others.

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /in-yur-feys-in-veyd-ur/ (rhymes with Space Invader)

Sentence: Whether it was because he couldn't read other people's body language, or because he took perverse joy in their reactions, Kevin was an inyerfaceinvader, and would often make others uncomfortable in social situations.

Etymology: in-your-face - in a manner provoking confrontation (slang) + invader - to encroach or infringe upon (from Latin, invādere "to go")

Points: 941

Comments: Inyerfaceinvader

Dougalistic - 2008-01-21: 05:31:00
heh, that's catchy! :)

bananabender - 2008-01-21: 09:06:00
clever! funny!

silveryaspen - 2008-01-21: 10:34:00
The alien complained that the inyerfaceinvader was taking up too much of his universal inner space! It's kind of an out-of-this world creation ... great job!

OZZIEBOB - 2008-01-21: 19:17:00
I like it!