Verboticism: Politrick

'I do not need or use deodorant.'

DEFINITION: n A lie told by a politician which is not really a lie, because in their heart of hearts, they are pretending it is true. v. To believe you are telling the truth even though you know it's really not.

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: VEHR-ih-teez

Sentence: The audience sought verity from the muckraked Congresswoman, but she merely placated them with veritease.

Etymology: veri[ty] + tease; a "truth" that is really only teasing.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: guv - ern - deel - ew - shun - ul

Sentence: Some politicians and elected officials become governdelusional and don't even know what is true themselves anymore.

Etymology: govern, delusional

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Created by: Muttley74

Pronunciation: Po-littee-con

Sentence: It would be nice if our politicians would tell us the truth, explain the tough issues, and give us some choices for how to solve the problems. But until there is a grassroots movement supporting discussion of difficult issues—until the supporting winds blow hard enough for politicians with their fingers in the wind to sense the need to do it—most politicians will continue to make "politicons". Until we demonstrate that we can handle the truth, we can expect our politicians to keep lying to us. There will always be some politicians who will make "politicons" more than others and some who come very close to telling us the truth. It's easy enough to identify these two types: The lying politicians will usually be saying things that feel comfortable and require no effort on our part; the truth-telling politicians will usually be saying things we'd rather not hear and prefer not to think about.

Etymology: Politicon is derived from the word "Politics" and the word "Con" meaning to deceive and hoodwink

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Created by: Mobelia




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: po-LIT-eh-rap

Sentence: Senator Bugle once again orated in politiwrap, information that met his own test for beign factual but not necessarily related to the truth as the rest of the country might see it.

Etymology: Blend of 'political' and 'wrap' (v. To surround or involve in a specified quality or atmosphere) also a play on the word 'rap' or 'speech/talk'

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Created by: ozzymars

Pronunciation: pah-lib-bra-cay-shun

Sentence: His polibrications were the cause of him losing the election.

Etymology: politics+fabrication

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Created by: sisica

Pronunciation: pse-mah-toh-LEE-thizm

Sentence: They are so wrapped up in their political campaigns that their lies have turned into Psematolithism!!

Etymology: In the Greek language, lies are "Psemata" and the truth is "alithia." Therefore, a mix between a lie and truth would be Psemata + Alithia with "ism" being the nounification.

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Created by: mwveasey




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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: miss strue thhh

Sentence: the PM was the best in his team at proclaiming misstruths.

Etymology: from miss truth thus lie and also strewth as in the australian slang for not being really believable.

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /bool-loo-suh-NEY-shun/

Sentence: Senator Sam Slicker had started out as an automobile salesman, and he knew how to lie with conviction. His bullucinations were so convincing, he would often conveniently forget that he was lying in the first place.

Etymology: Bull - foolish, deceitful, or boastful language (from Old English, bula "a steer") + Hallucination - a false notion, belief, or impression; delusion (from Latin, hallucinatus "wandering dream")


nice! - galwaywegian, 2008-06-12: 14:31:00


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