Verboticism: Addlenesia

'Why did I come into this room?'

DEFINITION: n. The moment of loss, hesitation and confusion, which occurs when you enter a room and immediately forget why. v. To forget why you entered a room.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: room nee shia

Sentence: Zelda was afraid she was getting Alzheimer's because she always forgot why she was going into a room. It was usually called roomnesia, but if she forgot why she went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, it was actually hamnesia, jamnesia, yamnesia (or milk of amnesia). When she went into the closet it was cramnesia. For the computer room it was ramnesia. For the granny flat, it was gramnesia and if she was in the bedroom, it was shamnesia. How she hated that damnesia!

Etymology: Room (an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling) & Amnesia(forgetfullness;memory loss)

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Created by: willy

Pronunciation: sprch. caff. lious.

Sentence: That company is going down... look at that sprachcaffelious way of working...

Etymology: Sprach: language caffe: tea Sprachcaffilaxis: from ancient Greek, the ability to do nothing for 8 hours every day.

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: ŏn'trā fyōōg

Sentence: "What the hell was it I was after?" Herman muttered as he wandered about his bungalow. In the middle of an oil change, he had gotten dirty oil on the pocket of his jeans, his keys and the doorknob in the process of reentering. He could only stand there, empty beer bottle in hand, and hope his entrefugue would soon pass.

Etymology: entree, the act of entering; fugue, a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase.


Great opening line ... broke out laughing and can't quit ... for the last lines in your etymology ... made me laugh even harder! Funtastic! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:37:00

Neat word. With a slight variation, "Entréefugue" could be used for when you forget what you ate for dinner. - Tigger, 2008-03-21: 02:10:00

Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-21: 06:19:00

There's definitely something about this definition that's begging to be put into French. It reminds me of concepts like deja vu or je ne sais quoi. So this word is right on. Fun to say with a French accent too. - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:04:00

Ooh, that actually gives me an idea for a different "word" for today's definition: "je ne sais porquoi". - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:05:00

great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:40:00

petaj that could send you into a spin - would that be a centrifugue - petaj, 2008-03-21: 23:52:00

Excellent. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:40:00


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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: a piffa fail

Sentence: Walking gingerly out the door for work I realized I had forgotten my lunch. Upon entering my apartment, I had an epiphafail, my memory deceiving me and I had no idea why I had come back to my apartment.

Etymology: epiphany + FAIL

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: wher/am/I/bouts

Sentence: I enter a room - I look around - I am faced with the eternal question - whereamIbouts?

Etymology: whereabouts + where am I + bouts (of forgetfulness)


You and I may not know where you are ... but it is certainly not out in left field. It just feels too right! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:00:00

Certainly, something to ruminate upon! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:59:00

This is roominescent of the time I had amnesia....or did I have it twice? - Mustang, 2008-03-22: 08:09:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /ig-nuh-room-uhs/

Sentence: Heather just stood there, in the kitchen, looking around the room with a vacant expression, experiencing another case of ignoroomus. She'd been standing there for several minutes now, trying to remember what she came in here for, and she realized that she really had to go to the bathroom... which was ironic, since she was just in the bathroom five minutes ago, wondering what she was supposed to be doing there too. Brenda thought about it as she reluctantly returned to the bathroom — she'd recently dyed her hair blonde, and she wondered if her recurring case of ignoroomus was some sort of karmic revenge for all of those blonde jokes she had told over the years. She was so distracted by this thought that, when she entered the bathroom again, she'd forgotten why she was there.

Etymology: blend of; Ignoramus - extremely ignorant person, fool, dunce (from Latin, ignorare "not to know") + room - portion of space within a building (from German, raum "spacious")


Brilliant etymology and blending. A superb creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:52:00

very funny Tigger - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:42:00

Great work; funny,too! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:10:00

Sounds like a case of roomatic fever. - Mustang, 2008-03-23: 05:20:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ware/am/I/bouts

Sentence: I enter a room - I look around - I am faced with the eternal question - whereamIbouts?

Etymology: whereabouts + where am I + bouts (of forgetfulness)


luv the etymology and word ... cries out like the lost child in all of us when this happens! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:21:00


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Created by: moonchild71


Sentence: I'm chalking up my recurrent flusternations to middle-age dementia. Now, where DID I put that toilet paper???


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Created by: c2flores

Pronunciation: Whu-uuu-hhh

Sentence: So, I got to the bathroom, and I was like whuuh, what am I doing, whuuh, where is my laptop?

Etymology: Phonetic, from the noise one makes one scratching head in confusion.

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Created by: CrayonWarrior

Pronunciation: X-Sampa : entrezIteIshVn ent-trez-it-ey-shun

Sentence: Betty was faced with severe entresitation when she couldn't remember what she could possibly want on entering the attic

Etymology: enter - to go inside hesitation - a moment of pause

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