Verboticism: Pouterpoof

'I'm not pouting because the world sucks'

DEFINITION: n. A person who regularly sulks inside cafes and coffeehouses all day, contributing nothing more to their world than a pout. v. To glower angrily at the state of world affairs while remaining inactive and unemployed.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: bow rista

Sentence: Java Lyn was such a borista, rambling on without getting to the point.

Etymology: barrista, bore

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: cop/out/cheeno

Sentence: Sally believed in the philosophy of coppoutchino and regularly drowned her sorrows in a big cup of freshly brood coffee.

Etymology: cop out + pout + cappucino


Good Blend...heady yet aromatic! - Nosila, 2009-07-06: 10:06:00

clever....ground, brood and enjoyed in a new blend of capuchino, cop out and it. - mweinmann, 2009-07-06: 12:07:00

Best word today! (Although I don\'t want to try this blend!) - splendiction, 2009-07-06: 12:34:00

Excellent! - Mustang, 2009-07-07: 00:30:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: lat-ay-tude

Sentence: Naomi thought it very fashionable and cool to adopt lattetude. So after her community service in the sanitation department she took to hanging around cafés adopting poses and pouts to convey her disinterest in everything, while spending a fortune on café lattés.

Etymology: latté (milky coffee) + lassitude (lack of emotion or interest) + attitude (posture of the body)


Absolutely splendid - Rutilus, 2008-05-16: 11:12:00

Like it a latte! - Nosila, 2008-05-16: 08:37:00

let me espresso my agreement (ouch) - stache, 2008-05-16: 08:59:00

very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-16: 10:11:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: AHY-suh-lah-tey

Sentence: Roxie was an isolatte with a flat, black mindset.

Etymology: ISOLATTE: blend of isolate and latte. ALOOFEE: aloof and coffee


fantastic!! - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-16: 10:10:00

She should really stop brewding. Great word! - Tigger, 2008-05-17: 15:05:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: starr yeukks

Sentence: the staryucks always take the best seats in the cafe and the solitary readers always take the largest table.

Etymology: starbucks yuck


Just like people on airplanes who grab the window seats and then either read all the way there or worst stil, draw the blinds so no one can see where they are going...don't get me started! - Nosila, 2010-07-16: 23:00:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: poutərpoŏf

Sentence: As a runway model Percy is always a candidate for American Idle. His employment is always at the whim of the current crop of hot designers. The glowerclass is not as popular as the perky boys just now. Percy has tried to break of his pouterpoof designation with little success. He attempted a smile last week and almost ended up in the hospital emergency room when nearly-atrophied facial muscles cramped.

Etymology: pouter (one who pushes one’s lips or one’s bottom lip forward as an expression of petulant annoyance or in order to make oneself look sexually attractive + poof (an effeminate man)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: stu-bucks

Sentence: Sara spent her days and unemployment cash brooding at Stewbucks after losing her job as a cashier at Wal-Mart for not welcoming people. "Being a cashier is too hard," she thought, "because they want you to be cheerful all the time."

Etymology: stew: be in a huff, sullen, resentful + starbucks: well-known chain of coffeehouses

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: uh-bom-in-ER-sha

Sentence: Gladys had a very bad case of abominertia, angry at the world in general and her life in particular and she took great pains to let everyone around her know just how displeased she was while making no effort whatsoever to change her status.

Etymology: Blend of 'abominable' (repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome) and 'inertia' (Inertness; indisposition to motion, exertion, or action; want of energy; sluggishness)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kôfēgrous

Sentence: Ruby spends much of her day in the local coffee shop. While the waitress pours her java, she pours out her displeasure with the state of her life. Her grumbling has earned her the title of coffeegrouse.

Etymology: coffee (a drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of a tropical shrub) + grouse (complain pettily; grumble) play on coffeehouse

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: bunn de menn tal ihst

Sentence: Every morning the bundamentalists would gather trailing a mass of pamphlets behind them as they shuffled to the corner booth carrying their fair-trade-not-tested-on animals-low carbon-footprint because-it-was-floated-across-the-ocean on-a-raft coffee and muffins.

Etymology: fundamentalists, bun


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-16: 10:12:00


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