Verboticism: Crosstumed

'I can't breathe with this tie on!'

DEFINITION: n. A fashion accessory or style of dress which purports to improve one's appearance and attitude, but actually does the opposite. v. To follow a fashion dictum in an effort to improve your social standing even when it causes physical discomfort.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: biznoōs

Sentence: When the company Jim worked for was sold, he hoped that the old dress code might be eased. His greatest hope was that he might be able to shed the hated biznoose.

Etymology: biz (a business, typically one connected with entertainment) + noose (a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and typically used to hang people or trap animals)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: noōsəns

Sentence: Alan is happy with his raise. He has worked hard for it and feels he deserves it. What he doesn't love was the fact that he is now expected to play the corporate dress-up game. He hates ties. At best they are a nuisance, at worse a noosence.

Etymology: noose(a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and typically used to hang people or trap animals) + nuisance (a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance)

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: oht-fass-ahd-ism

Sentence: Pat and Gene worked for a upstart tech company that prided itself on acceptance and forward thinking. Casual Fridays seemed so passé that the wearing of jeans seemed quite the conservative costume. Thursdays became Thong Thursdays, Wednesdays became a true Hump Day where employees wore teddies or other intimate gear under their "Librarian" clothes. Titular Tuesdays dress code was provacative, however it was Mix-It-Up Monday's Hautefacadism that took the cake. Employees would often switch clothes or come already clothed in genderbending attire. To help along acceptance, the company planned a workshop on How to Tie a Tie, Walking in Pumps or Stilletos, and How To Accesserize.

Etymology: haute, French High from haute couture + facade, French façade false face + sadism, deriving pleasure from others' pain

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: geht-uhp

Sentence: He thought his ghettup gave him street cred and made him look tuff, but wearing his jeans so low that the waist band sat below his butt, and the crotch hung down to his knees caused him to walk like Marilyn Monroe in a tight skirt.

Etymology: alternative spelling of getup (a style or arrangemet of dress, esp. an elaborate or unusual one) + ghetto (a part of a city, esp. a slum area, occupied by a minority group)


another best word for the day should be another winner, and a nice brief sentence, not an anthology - DrWebster111, 2009-05-31: 12:16:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: parra-dox-sol

Sentence: Pamela swished her skirt around pouting prettily at the passing officers while she twirled her paradoxsol overhead. Designed to make her look like a sophisticated young lady, it was made of a beautiful imported lace. Unfortunately, the lace afforded little protection to her fair face and within 10 minutes of the midday sun her cheeks were red and the skin had started peeling off her nose.

Etymology: parasol (fashion accessory which protects against the sun) + paradox (contradiction) + radox (commercial mineral salt preparation added to a bath for easing muscle pain)


great word - bookowl, 2008-04-09: 16:08:00


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Created by: queenjane75

Pronunciation: say-dough-fah-shun-is-tick

Sentence: Sara prefers to wear thongs, which the men at work secretly refer to as clam hammocks, but the hammock comparison is far, far from the truth. Thongs are rather sadofashionistic, and, believe me, the un-hammock-like perma-wedgie is not worth that kind of attention from men.

Etymology: sadistic+fashion

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: emb/hell/ish/ment

Sentence: Six inch stylettos are an embhellishment that hurts the spine and causes muscle cramps in the legs but come in very handy as a weapon.

Etymology: embellishment + hellish


Ha! So do steel-toes. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 09:27:00

Bela, Bela! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-09: 20:56:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Fah - shun - NOT - see

Sentence: Evan fancied himself a dashing figure in his retro attire but he was a fashionotsee who didnt realize that his peers were actually sneering and not smiling at his appearance.

Etymology: Blend of fashion and not see (or


I always thought the word fashion came from fascism! Good one, Mustang! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:32:00


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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: garb-gaffe (rhyme with giraffe)

Sentence: Rico, not realizing the garbgaffe of wearing skinny jeans, was unable to walk nor get enough circulation to his thighs. He would later have them surgically remove aforementioned skinny jeans.

Etymology: From the words garb (clothing) and gaffe (unrealized mistake)

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /oht-koo-tor-cher/

Sentence: Irene had spent half of her last paycheck on a pair of Manolo slingbacks, and she took satisfaction in knowing that she was wearing the most fashionable shoes of anyone at the party. Unfortunately, the new, stiff leather had raised and torn open blisters on her ankles and squished her toes, so that now she was barely able to walk. This miserable hautecoutorture she was experiencing must just be part of the price of high-fashion. On top of that, her dress pinched under her arms and dug painfully into her bladder whenever she sat down. Her dress was a Versouchie.

Etymology: Haute-couture - high fashion (French, haute "high" & couture "sewing") Torture - to afflict with severe pain (from Latin, torquere "to twist, turn, or wring")


Love it! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-08: 09:25:00

Great word. - Mustang, 2008-04-08: 16:57:00

She probably also wear Prodda and Calvin DeKlein! Good word, Tigger! - Nosila, 2008-04-08: 20:35:00


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