Verboticism: Tillshy

'Can't you see I'm busy!'

DEFINITION: n. A cashier or customer service representative who is so busy chatting with their friends or coworkers that they ignore their customers. v. To be serviced by a very annoying customer service representative.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: cash-sheer-gall

Sentence: Brandon often displayed casheergall while working the counter at the convenience store and would continue on with personal chores while ignoring waiting customers.

Etymology: blend of cashier, sheer, and gall


They must go to a special school... - Nosila, 2009-06-25: 11:19:00


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Created by: RockLoveChick




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: rep - re - HENS - uh - tiv

Sentence: Gabrielle was appalled at the abysmal response of the customer service reprehensitive who seemed not to even notice her even though she made several attempts to gain his attention.

Etymology: Blend of 'reprehensible' ( Deserving rebuke or censure; blameworthy)and 'representative' (One that serves as a delegate or agent for another)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: at ten duns

Sentence: Jason was typical of the attendunts a retail store can afford, someone who spent his whole shift texting and phoning friends. Jason made people sorry they stopped by. When the CEO came on a Royal Visit, the whole entourage got busy and decorated the store. Except Jason, who told his immediate supervisor (who was 17) that he had to catch up on his filing. I smell an audit coming. Jason is now filing again...his unemployment papers.

Etymology: Attendant (cashier or clerk) & Dunts (To strike; give a blow to; knock) &dunce (stupid person)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: fai - ls - purs - son

Sentence: Oscar went to the check-out counter at Sears and encountered yet another failesperson who ignored him and busied herself talking on the phone....

Etymology: fails, salesperson


Oscar forgets who really pays his wages...Sears is just the distributor... - Nosila, 2009-06-25: 11:21:00

Good word! - splendiction, 2009-06-25: 22:31:00


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Created by: marianasoffer



Etymology: No - negation ASkHole - asshole/ask hole

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: klərk

Sentence: Calvin knows he needs to have a job. He doesn’t always understand that he needs to work. With his cell phone firmly planted on the side of his head, he can clirk just about any customer in the store. If a client is rude enough to interrupt his chat time, they will likely get not much more than a sigh. And, as everybody knows "sighs matters".

Etymology: clerk (an assistant in a store) + irk (irritate; annoy)

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: dĭ-sō'shē-ĭt

Sentence: After she made her way back to the electronics department, having to make her way past one dissociate after another who, apparently oblivious to her existence or that of any other customer, had no apparent function beyond taking up aisle space, the blue-smocked critters became scarce. When she finally found one and asked where she could find an adapter to use her ipod with her home stereo, the dull-eyed response was, "that's not my aisle, but if we have 'em they would definitely be in this half of the store."

Etymology: dissociate (-āt'), from the psychological defense mechanism dissociation, whereby an individual compartmentalizes certain thoughts, emotions, sensations, and/or memories; term coined by The French psychiatrist Pierre Janet, later expanded on in Jung's theories; associate (-ĭt), term used by a certain (world's largest)retailer as a euphamism for what passes as a sales staff.


Like it! - pieceof314, 2008-05-13: 13:29:00

thanks, 314. first time I've tried to give a verbotomy to an existing word. - stache, 2008-05-13: 17:02:00


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Created by: Rutilus

Pronunciation: Cus-time-eed

Sentence: Jackie couldn't believe how poor service was in the UK compared to the states. She was sick of being custymied by surly shop assistants. Bring on the flight back to LA!

Etymology: Customer - buyer, client; stymied - obstructed, blocked


Excellent blend. - Mustang, 2008-05-13: 20:26:00

very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-15: 06:36:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Vecks-kewz-amee

Sentence: Im really fed up with those vexqueuesamees, every time I go into that shop I have to wait ages in the queue whilst those girls chat away. Im sure I must know their business more than they do by now!

Etymology: Vex (perturbed,put out) Queues(a long line of customers waiting to be served) =Vexqueuesamee(excuse me)


funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-13: 15:41:00

Vexcellent vord! - Nosila, 2008-05-13: 23:21:00


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