Verboticism: Transmissionimpossible

'Just a second, I have call waiting...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who engages themselves in several different communication channels at the same time, without paying attention to any of them v. To constantly switch your focus between cellphone calls, text messages, emails, and anything else that beeps.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: in - cum - ing - tax - t

Sentence: The butterflies in my stomach are caused by the buzz fluttering of all my communication devices. You might say I'im a bit over incomingtaxt.

Etymology: Incoming: arriving Taxed: strained


nice one silvery - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-28: 13:20:00

The taxman is sure to have his finger in the pie! Very clever and funny creation. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:35:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: blak bery all

Sentence: Shauna never went anywhere without her Blackberry, her cellphones and her laptop. We were never sure why she thought she was so important that she had to be in constant contact with everyone she ever met. Face to face discussions with her were rare,and not without her needing to respond to every beep, text or call. She called it multi-tasking, we called it blackburial. Her only connection with other humans was through these electronic gadgets. She would lock herself away for hours on end in her office and click and text people. One day she was asked (on Blackberry) why she kept so many devices going at once. Without a hint of irony, she said it was because she loved dealing with people!

Etymology: blackberry (communication device, which apparently is very addictive) & burial (being covered in something)


Pure class :-) - emdeejay, 2008-12-12: 23:42:00

Very interesting word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-13: 16:17:00


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Created by: orcasellen


Sentence: I was too techstracted to get any work done.


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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: com pugg ler

Sentence: It was an overwhelming day when Silvia sat down on the subway platform floor to catch up on her work. Passerbys were so impressed watching her type on her computer, text, and talk on the phone all at the same time that they began tossing money into her computer case. She quit her day job when she realized she could make more money as a subway compuggler. She certainly made more than the mime and the juggler at the other end of the platform.

Etymology: comp from computer+ uggler from juggler

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Giz mot ick

Sentence: Jason tried in vain to untangle his handsfree cord before remembering he had the cordless earpiece in his pocket, swerving to miss a cyclist and cursing as the phone slipped from it's position between his shoulder and his ear. "Hang on!" he yelled at the phone as his beeper went off in his lap and he simultaneously read it and pulled the earpiece awkwardly from his pocket. "Dammit!" he exclaimed as his work mobile went off and he grabbed it automatically, fearing an emergency. He had to swerve again to narrowly miss a motorcycle and dropped the work mobile, scrabbling until he caught it mid-slide on it's way to the floor. "Jason here." he said, but it was Janeen on the other mobile wanting him to pick up bread. His beeper went of again and as he picked it up he heard his secretary's voice from the work mobile laughing. "Jason stop it! Just pick up your work phone and stop being gizmotic!" He complied just as he realised that light had actually been red.

Etymology: Gizmo - smallish technological tools frequently of dubious utility. Chaotic - descriptive of the chaos engendered by trying to answer, read or attend to multiple gizmos simultaneously.

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Created by: leegro

Pronunciation: \ə-ˈte-lə-ˈde-fə-sət-dis-ˈȯr-dər\

Sentence: Sue was so afflicted with atteledeficitdisorder that she failed to notice that she had stupidly run all the words together in the E-mail she was composing ... while also talking on her cell phone, responding to an instant message, checking her pager, etc.

Etymology: From "attention deficit disorder" and ... wait, what was I doing?


It's very catchy! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 13:05:00


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Created by: freiflug

Pronunciation: /ˈflɪ.po-ənt/

Sentence: "My students exhibit a great deal of flippoyance during my lectures." "If Yuki wasn't so flippoyant, I would enjoy spending time with her a lot more."

Etymology: flippant: lacking respect or seriousness, showing levity; pert flamboyant: showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc.

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Created by: doseydotes

Pronunciation: ˈməl-tˈī-ˈpäd-ə-ˈfre-nē-ˌak

Sentence: Martha is such a multipodophreniac that she's begun driving with her knees so she can operate three electronic devices at one time.

Etymology: Multi, from Latin, multus - meaning much, many; ipod, from Apple, ipodia - meaning overpriced teen impulse purchase; schizophrenia, New Latin, meaning totally freakin' crazy; and maniac, Late Latin, from maniacal - a driver more reckless than I am.


A very humerous etymology, I must say. - stache, 2008-02-28: 11:27:00

Chuckles and kudos for your intriguing creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 12:38:00

nice - galwaywegian, 2008-02-28: 14:48:00

Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:31:00


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Created by: LoftyDreamer

Pronunciation: Sing it!

Sentence: ...even though the sound of it is really quite atrocious...Congolia couldn't break herself of the supercellatextemailacallmenowadocious habit of checking her iPhone every two minutes.

Etymology: Loosely based on "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins.


libertybelle fun to sing!! - libertybelle, 2008-12-15: 12:21:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: pol-ee-jah-nik

Sentence: Sue, being polyjawnic, was last seen multichatting on her keyboard and cell phone when the fire alarm went off.

Etymology: polyphonic, jaw (slang for idle chat)


Two cheers for multichatting and three cheers for polyjawnic. Both are Jaw-awesome! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:36:00


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