Verboticism: Askyule

'Why can't you get it up?'

DEFINITION: n., A Christmas tree, ornament or caroler that, no matter how it is tied, tethered and tilted, refuses to stay upright. v., To be so full of Christmas cheer that you simply sparkle, twinkle and tip over.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dug list fur

Sentence: The town fathers had ordered a large evergreen to be planted in the main square, so that it may be decorated each Christmas Season as the "First Tree". A huge Douglas Fir had been imported from the West and although healthy and full, it had a definite lean to it. They nicknamed it the DuglistFir. At first people laughed at the Leaning Tree, but miraculously on Christmas Eve it had straightened out and stood erect. The people were amazed until they realized that this change was inevitable. The town in question was not called Viagra Falls for nothing!

Etymology: Dug (created by digging); List (lean or tilt to one side) & Fir (any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas, popular as a Christmas Tree)and word play on Douglas Fir (tall evergreen timber tree of western North America having resinous wood and short needles)

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Yule-een

Sentence: With merry songsters crouding tight, festive tinsel left and right, the christmas spirit shining bright, well lit by festive table-lights. Mulled wine and eggnog warm and sweet, keeps blood flowing to your feet, but if you much indulge, you'll bulge, and droop with festive meats and treats. You'll cant, careen, recline and lean. In festive repose, you'll be yulean.

Etymology: Yule - of the older Yuletide solstice celebration now encumbered with modern chrisisitudes. Lean - to share one's weight with an object or person, cant, careen or recline. Herculean - descriptive of the large amount of effort put into festoonery, jollity and family gatherings at christmas. Elan - impetuous ardour, like that demonstrated by over-eggnogged carollers and others similarly afflicted with Yulean droopishness.


You live, Yulean :-) - emdeejay, 2008-12-15: 02:51:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: peez as ter

Sentence: Brad and Kate's first Christmas together as a married couple had been one misfortune after another. It apparently is better to remove the turkey innards before stuffing the bird. Who knew eggnog was made with raw eggs? Pet poodles should not eat fresh mistletoe. Plus Brad had picked out a spindly Christmas Tree which leaned and wobbled under the weight of its decorations. It was a Pisaster Pine, decorated with bows of folly, fa la la la la la, la la la la! It was unfirgiveable, needleless to say. Kate got busy and tried to hide its flaws with tinsel and garlands, but there was no hope of making it a stately evergreen. It was a Tannenbum! When both sets of parents arrived for Christmas dinner, Kate & Brad were surprised not to be criticized for their coniferous conundrum. Brad's gruffy Dad said the only thing to do in this case, was to put some Viagra in the tree water to keep it upright. Apparently his bark was worse than his bite!

Etymology: Pisa (The leaning Tower of) & Disaster (a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune "His policies were a disaster";an event resulting in great loss and misfortune)


Love the reference! - emdeejay, 2008-12-15: 02:52:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /slahn'-tuh-kawzd/

Sentence: The Christmas tree was hopelessly slantacaused, looking like it was about to fallalalala, but we soon had bigger problems to worry about when Uncle Frank suddenly swooned, hiccupped, and dropped like a missletoe, cracking his Eggnoggin on the mantel.

Etymology: slant - at an oblique angle; aslant (from Middle English, slenten) + Santa-claus (from Dutch, Sinterklaas) + cause[d] - the reason for a condition or result (from Latin, causa)


Perhaps Uncle Frank, after the knock on his 'eggnoggin' will get mental blocks for Christmas! Good word and, as always, thorough etymology! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-10: 05:06:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: yool-tip

Sentence: Harry had too much egg nog that night and inconspicuously disappeared. They gathered over to the washroom door and peaked in. He had yuletipped with his head face down in the toilet.

Etymology: Yuletide (pertaining to the Christmas season) + tip (as in slope, slant, topple)

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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: blits + end

Sentence: I got totally blitzened at the staff Chistmas party, and knocked the full punch bowl into the boss's wife's lap, during my karaoke rendition of O Holy Night.

Etymology: drunk + the reindeer harnessed beside Donder


well you did 'fall on your knees' but did you 'hear the angel voices'? - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-10: 16:16:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: fall/all/all/all/all

Sentence: It was a Christmas tradition for the carolers to carry heavily spiked eggnog to ward off the chill winds and heavy snow but by the time they got half way through their route the chorus of deck the halls seemed most appropriate as they fallallallallalled into a deep snowdrift.

Etymology: fall all + Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la.


Heh heh...been there and done that. Excellent work - Mustang, 2008-12-15: 08:37:00

Creatively funny! My second vote for today goes to you! - logarithm, 2008-12-15: 09:36:00

artr Love it. Very funny - artr, 2008-12-15: 13:26:00

It's catchy, too. The alliteration is kinda drunken sounding. - Ismelstar, 2008-12-16: 00:07:00

Terrific - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-17: 04:05:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /əˈskjul/ /uh-SKYOOL/

Sentence: One might think that it would make more sense to put the crown of candles on the head of an adult, but anyone who's ever been to a Santa Lucia celebration knows that the children are by far the least askyule people in the house.

Etymology: From askew + yule


tilted tree ... or tilted me ... after one egg nog too many ... any tilted christmas thing ... I like the word and the meaning! - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 14:34:00


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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: awr-nuh-ree-muh nt

Sentence: Sometimes you just don't want to deal with those orneryments. First you can't find the hooks, then the loop that the hooks attach to come out. Once you find the perfect spot, it's too heavy for the branch.

Etymology: Ornery: stubborn. + Ornament: an accessory, article, or detail used to beautify the appearance of something to which it is added or of which it is a part.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: tah-nuh n-bomd

Sentence: Jerry could not remember the words to "Oh Cristmas Tree" because he was completely tannenbombed.

Etymology: Tannenbaum (Christmas Tree) + bombed (completely intoxicated; drunk)

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