Verboticism: Repugroomnant

'Excuse me, but are you giving us your full attention?'

DEFINITION: v. , To groom oneself in inappropriate places or at inappropriate times n., A person who practices personal hygiene in public places.

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Created by: Mindy1955

Pronunciation: ex-hi-bi-tion-al-gru-mer

Sentence: The exhibitionalgrommer got great pleasure out of forcing others to watch him clean and maintain his appearance. The more disgusting the greater the pleasure.

Etymology: Middle English, this phenomenon has been present since the begining of man.

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Created by: Abraxised

Pronunciation: pop-uet-end

Sentence: Are you poputending right now?

Etymology: populace (the people living in a particular country or area), tend (to prepare physically

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Pik-an-mix

Sentence: Tom was a serial toenail picker, he just couldn't help it. It didn't matter where he was, on the bus or out for the evening he just had to pickanmix all the rough pieces. It got to the stage when all his friends refused to go out with him because it had just got too embarrassing to sit there watching him remove his shoes and socks in public.

Etymology: Pick(to remove unwanted matter, i.e from toes) + Mix(to associate with others) = Pickanmix

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: hor/i/jen/niks

Sentence: Unaware he was performing a series of horrigienics in front of the passengers on the south-bound 7:52 AM crowded Yonge Street subway train, Joe proceeded to remove his socks and shoes and clip his toe nails and finger nails, brush a layer of dandruff from his head to his lap, clean the wax out of both ears and snip a dozen, or so nose hairs in preparation for his 9:00 AM job interview downtown.

Etymology: HORRIGIENICS - noun - from HORRID (shockingly dreadful; abominable; extremely unpleasant, or disagreeable) + HYGIENICS (the practice and promotion of one's health)


Sounds like Joe was way overdue for some personal 'sanitation' - Mustang, 2008-10-31: 05:20:00

As my hug's brother, now about 48 used to say at age 5, "That's grossp." Yeah, with a P. *ha* - lumina, 2008-10-31: 13:12:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: gr ewwwwwwwwww m

Sentence: her grewwwwming habits meant that her bosses always thought she was immaculate, while those unfortunate enough to share the lift to the boardroom with herusually had to skip lunch.

Etymology: groom, ewwwwwww

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: in-un-proh-preen

Sentence: While she ate her yogurt on the subway, and to her horror she heard the disturbing sound of "click, click" behind her. As her stomach flipped, she saw someone inappropreening behind her, she quickly covered her yogurt so the shards of toenails wouldn't contaminate it.

Etymology: inappropriate + preen


Love the word -- the sentence makes me nauseous. Great job!! - Tigger, 2007-12-07: 22:48:00

Great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-09: 15:52:00

love the onomatopoeia of the p's in that word ... and you know what it means without looking it up! - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 15:00:00


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Created by: IllmaticKD

Pronunciation: Ex'hy'gene'ist

Sentence: The abhorrent display of Rodney's blatant exhigienist behavior was very unsettling, his bikini-line wasn't maintained very well.

Etymology: noun; the melding of the words exhibitionist and hygiene. Also see exhigienism.


Korinne Rodney!!! LOL. Good one! - Korinne, 2007-12-07: 23:34:00


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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: skan-key-clip-per

Sentence: Natalie was a true skankeeclipper and got in the habit of tearing off her fingernails while driving. She would open the window an inch and try to push them out, but all too often they would fall back inside and land on the door edge or scatter across the floor mats. And Tom, though he loved Natalie a lot, loved his car even more. He dumped the skankeeclipper for a woman with OCD and fake nails.

Etymology: Yankee clipper altered to incorporate skanky--highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust;

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Created by: chaiandallthatjazz

Pronunciation: sounds like mushroom with a short i and g thrown in there

Sentence: v) He had the nerve to go mushigrooming completely disrespectful, not to mention disgusting. n) He's a mushigroom; expect to see something gross.


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: eksəbījenik

Sentence: Maybe it is because she was raised in a commune where everything was done in a group setting, maybe because she is an only-child, but Sunshine*s employer didn*t seem to appreciate her exhibygienic ways. For some strange reason they chastised her for applying deodorant and brushing her teeth while she did her work as a receptionist.

Etymology: exhibitionist (extravagant behavior that is intended to attract attention to oneself) + hygienic (being clean; sanitary)

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