Verboticism: Hypermouseration

'Tap-tap-tap and my hair falls out.'

DEFINITION: n., A wear mark, or shiny spot, which appears on a heavily used computer touch-pad, mouse or keyboard. v., To wear down or erode through repetitive clicking, tapping or poking.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: kee/pet/i/tiv

Sentence: Because she didn't own a joystick, the letters 's' and 'l' disappeared from her keyboard because of the constant keypetitive tapping, clicking and pushing required by the computer game.

Etymology: KEYPETITIVE - from KEY (keyboard) + REPETITIVE (repeated over and over)


metrohumanx wow. i remember joysticks. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 12:18:00


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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: ri-kur-skohr

Sentence: The mouse attached to that old PC was used so much that there was a recurscore on the left button. It was the exact shape of my finger tip.

Etymology: Recur: Latin recurrere - to occur again + Score: Middle English scoren - to make notches, cuts, marks, or lines in or on.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: rub-BEAR-tet-if

Sentence: Bobby was such an intensive computer user that his two week old keyboard had rebaretetives where the letters used to be.

Etymology: rub + repetitive + bare

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Created by: sipsoccer

Pronunciation: (shine-tal-lic)

Sentence: I see your mouse has a shinetalic spot on it from major usage.

Etymology: shine-bright,glows,shiny talic-part of metallic, which also means shiny.

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Created by: garythesnail

Pronunciation: bor-SO-FLY-POORD

Sentence: Felix had many boursoflypords on his keyboard.

Etymology: french 'boursouflure' for blister, + type + keyboard

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: kee/pet/i/tiv

Sentence: Because she didn't own a joystick, the letters 's' and 'l' disappeared from her keyboard by the constant keypetitive clicking required by the computer game.

Etymology: key + repetitive


nice - patrick12345, 2007-11-20: 15:37:00

Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-20: 16:38:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: key-ro-shun

Sentence: Maxine was shiftwrecked due to keyrosion. Her computer was spacebarred and pitted, her mousepooped from exhaustion and she was becoming debilitated from numberless keystrokes. She was all keyed up about it when it clicked in her mind that she was simply board with her life. She worried that she had become typecast, spending every day wading in the typingpool for her shift to come in. Maxine realized at that moment that she had spent too much time backspacing away from her dreams of adventure and romance, so she decided to correct the error. She used her trusty keyboard one last time to type up her letter of resignation and booked herself on the next cruise to the islands.

Etymology: key: lever that operated a mechanism when depress as in the keys of a keyboard + erosion: wearing away or pitting caused by natural processes such as abrasion, grinding or chemical means or overuse

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rəbbərnishd

Sentence: Allan never was a touch typist. His life became that much more difficult when he discovered that his heavy use had rubburnished the printed letters off the keys on his keyboard. What he has saved by not replacing the keyboard he has spent on sharpie markers.

Etymology: rub (move one*s hand or a cloth repeatedly to and fro on the surface of something with firm pressure) + burnished (polish something, esp. metal by rubbing) a distant cousin of rug burn

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Created by: patrick12345

Pronunciation: anoi/puter

Sentence: He was searching google when his mouse stoped working for the 50th time he was very annoyputer

Etymology: annoying+part of a computer

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: SKIDZ-ack

Sentence: Rhoda's formica desktop developed an unsightly SKIDZAK which attested to her many hours of click-and-dragging...she had already worn out several Kevlar mousepads and worn a groove in her pathetic trackball. A digitransplant cured her carping tunnel syndrome, but she could never tolerate an unsightly SKIDZAK in her "work" area. However, she DID have 200+ verboticisms under her belt, so her life was not a TOTAL loss.

Etymology: SKID:to slide without rotating (as a wheel held from turning while a vehicle moves onward);perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse skīth stick of wood.....ERZAK:to repeatedly snap one's fingers onto someone's head, resulting in a nagging pain and lingering paranoia.


metrohumanx That's ONE disturbed-lookig rodentette. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 06:13:00

metrohumanx Copy and paste-copy and paste.... - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 06:18:00

metrohumanx Please excuse me if i tend to ramble on ond on, especially in the nob-editable "comments" area, but i have become addicted to Verbotomizing, and until an appropriate 12-step group crops up here in the hinterlands of the foothills, i guess you'll just have to put up with my excessive copying-and-pasting, since i am a 2-fingered typist with a Verbotomonkey on his back. Until I can have it surgically removed, you can just skip over all my inane comments and get down to the real Funkadelic verbotomisms which other more enlightened folks with less time on their hands and gobs of self-control have created. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 07:45:00

metrohumanx It's like the dyslexic atheist once said: There IS no dog. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 09:54:00

artr and the dyslexic Christian said. I was meant to be a bit backwards. It's the way doG made me. - artr, 2008-10-17: 10:58:00

that's my favorite part of verbotomy - the dialdog...keep up the rambling metro - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-17: 11:57:00

metrohumanx Thanks, certainly makes the daze pass quickly. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 12:01:00

So, Metro...are you waiting for a Verbotolobotomy before you can quit?? - Nosila, 2008-10-17: 22:16:00

metrohumanx I used to think i'd quit once i became the top verbotomist, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon...and besides, i'm having too much fun in the wee hours of the morning. I've developed a strange fondness for all you guys, and even though you're scattered far and wide, my simplified brain has formed little images of each of you, however erroneous these images may be. Little facets of your endearing personalities shine through each verboticism and make each revealing "sentence" more poignant and interesting. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-18: 06:37:00

Great stuff, Metro - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-19: 00:43:00

metrohumanx Thanks, O-bob. Eight hours and fifteen minutes to go..... - metrohumanx, 2008-10-19: 15:46:00

metrohumanx Does living closer to the Greenwich Meridian give one an unfair "jump" on the daily word? - metrohumanx, 2008-10-19: 15:48:00


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