Verboticism: Revorce

'Poor thing, maybe I shouldn't have stepped on him.'

DEFINITION: v. To do something decisive and then immediately start to have doubts, wondering if you did the right thing. n. Second thoughts, or second guesses, about a decision or an action you have made but cannot change.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rivĂ´rs

Sentence: After weeks of anticipation, the papers finally arrived. The marriage was done. He immediately shifted into revorce, that overwhelming feeling of dimorse. Had he done enough to make it work? Had his expectations been realistic going into marriage? Maybe not, but at least now his "ex" wouldn't be nagging him about wanting to take his girlfriend on their honeymoon.

Etymology: remorse (deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed) + divorce (the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body)

Points: 965

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