Verboticism: Hovertend

'I'll just wait here until you're free.'

DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: huv-er-tend

Sentence: Interaction between members of the Johnson household was sparse. Spencer, who was 6 years old, usually would be off playing with his toys or running around outside with his friends, but whenever his mother or father reached for the phone, like a sixth sense, he would somehow migrate to the area and begin to hovertend until his parents would get fed up and yell at him to leave. Janet tried to get her husband to pay attention to her by hovertending in front of the football game on TV topless while he moved from side to side to see better. Even Noodles the cat would get into the act. Noodles would usually hide or be out of the way of anyone, unless it wanted food. In that case, if would plop down right in front of the TV set or on top of the newspaper while you were reading it until you fed it.

Etymology: hover, to keep lingering about; wait near at hand + tend, To apply one's attention

Points: 674

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