Verboticism: Gulpability

'I ate it for the starving kids.'

DEFINITION: v., To finish your plate and eat all the food in front of you, even when not hungry. n., Compulsive over-consumption of food in order to relieve guilt.

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: ˌgəl-pə-ˈbi-lə-tē

Sentence: Max's extreme Gulpabilty had caused him to balloon to a quite hefty 450 pounds. All his life his mother had chastised him for not finishing his meals. "Think of all the kids in India Max that dont get anything but rice, or whatever it is they grow over there!" I'm sure they would LOVE to get some fresh peas and corn in their bellies"

Etymology: Gulp (a large and hurried swallow; "he finished it at a single gulp") + Culpable (blameworthiness, a state of guilt)

Points: 902

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Comments: Gulpability

astorey - 2008-09-12: 10:41:00
Well done!

TJayzz - 2008-09-12: 13:06:00
Great word!

Nosila - 2008-09-12: 22:21:00
We'd hate for him to be too gulpable!