Verboticism: Iridescentdisaster

'Look! A pretty rainbow...'

DEFINITION: v. To see beauty in the midst of a complete disaster. n. The ability to see beauty in the rainbow hues of a toxic oil spill, or in the remnants of a poster torn down long ago, or in the subtle cracks in the plaster of a cheap, cold-water flat.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: ir-i-des-cent-dis-as-ter

Sentence: Valspar Valdez had a wreck and as he and his wife were upside down she exclaims,"Oh look honey I see an iridescentdisaster of opal colors and blues and pinks purples in the fuel and oil draining out!"

Etymology: Iridescent:Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors. Disaster: An occurrence causing destruction and distress; a catastrophe.

Points: 854