Verboticism: Infatsyouate

DEFINITION: n. The creepy pounds that sneak onto your waist even though you've been exercising and watching what you eat. v. To exercise rigorously, diet fastidiously, and yet still gain weight.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: In - fats - yoo - ait
Sentence: When Vernon saw how many inches he'd added to his waist in recent months he muttered to himself, "t must have been something infatsyouate."
Etymology: Play on the word infatuate...infatuated with food, Vernon simply ate too much.
Points: 752
Comments: Infatsyouate
silveryaspen - 2008-03-19: 09:59:00
Exceptional word play!
purpleartichokes - 2008-03-19: 20:49:00
I like it!