Verboticism: Vaporrythmia

'Oops! I accidentally shredded my ex-boyfriend'

DEFINITION: v. To fret and worry after the accidental trashing of an important document, file or friend. n. The state of anxiety caused by an accidental deletion.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: VAY-pore-ryth-MEE-uh

Sentence: Mad Shirley experienced a mild attack of VAPORRYTHMIA after she impulsively killed her investment banker and left his atomized carcass in the woods, unburied. "Oh well!" she thought..."A buzzard's gotta eat...same as a worm." Now THAT'S executive compensation.

Etymology: VAPORize+arRYTHMIA=VAPORRYTHMIA........VAPORIZE:to cause to become dissipated or irrevocably and eternally destroyed by or as if by converting into vapor,to cause to become dissipated or damaged,( F.U.B.A.R.);Middle English vapour, from Anglo-French vapor, from Latin, steam, vapor.....ARRYTHMIA:an alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat either in time or force;New Latin, from Greek, lack of rhythm, from arrhythmos unrhythmical, from a- + rhythmos rhythm.

Points: 899

Comments: Vaporrythmia

Nosila - 2008-12-30: 18:55:00
Awfully good...emphasis on the first word!

metrohumanx - 2008-12-31: 00:23:00