Verboticism: Hertzhop

'Just a second, I have call waiting...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who engages themselves in several different communication channels at the same time, without paying attention to any of them v. To constantly switch your focus between cellphone calls, text messages, emails, and anything else that beeps.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: HURTS--hop

Sentence: Roxie often drifted into gormless gizmazement, hertzhopping endlessly from emailing to a silent radio reverie.

Etymology: Blend of HERTZ: from the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second; it is abbreviated Hz. It is commonly used to specify the frequency of radio waves, and also the clock frequencies in digital computers. His experiments with these electromagnetic waves led to the development of the wireless telegraph and the radio. In the fantastic voyage: From electricity to electronics Heinrich Hertz among others helped in ... micro- electronics, particularly its impact on the computer industry. ... & HOP: to jump from place to place or from thing to thing.

Points: 1019

Comments: Hertzhop

silveryaspen - 2008-12-12: 12:13:00
Excellent word, great sentence, based on an exceptional etymology.

Nosila - 2008-12-12: 16:20:00
It hurts to hertzhop that much!