Verboticism: Geriatrick

'Do you think she is overreacting to our surprise party?'

DEFINITION: n., The shock and embarrassment felt after innocently implying that you are much younger, only to discover that everyone actually knows how old you really are. v., To be embarrassed when caught lying about your age.

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Created by: Banky

Pronunciation: jer-e-at-trik

Sentence: Despite the beanie, the oversized lollipop, and the wide striped shirt, the crow's feet and liver spots were what spoke volumes to the acne-ridden movie theater ticket booth guy. "I'm sorry sir, but you're a bit old for the children's prices. We do have a senior citizen rate, though." Abner pressed the small box to his tracheotomy and a cold metallic sigh issued forth. "thaaaat will doooo. thaaank you." He shuffled toward the door, wrinkled bald head down, feeling depressed and geriatricked.

Etymology: geriatric + trick

Points: 725

Comments: Geriatrick

Jabberwocky - 2008-02-05: 09:32:00
Love your sentence - made me think of Darth Vader and the barbapapas

OZZIEBOB - 2008-02-05: 16:11:00
Yep,very funny sentence!

Tigger - 2008-02-05: 21:29:00
Funny word, and your sentence is a real hoot! Love it!

Tigger - 2008-02-05: 21:29:00
(P.S. What are "the barbapapas"?)