Verboticism: Autobiogomer

'When I was your age, all I had was a lead pencil and a wooden brain!'

DEFINITION: A person who, using an example from their own life, steers people away from a line of speculation by reducing it to an absurdity.

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /aw-toh-bi-ah-Go'-mer/

Sentence: Phil was a total autobiogomer — no matter which subject would come up in conversation, you could always count on Phil to interject one of his own stories, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of discussion. His 'train of thought' was clearly on its own set of tracks.

Etymology: autobiographer (from Greek, autós "self," bios "life," & graphos "a record or written account") + Gomer - a goofy, oafish person (slang, from Gomer Pyle, an American sitcom character from the 1960's; the name is similar to "gomeral" Scottish for "fool")

Points: 794

Comments: Autobiogomer

Tigger - 2008-01-03: 02:06:00
Is everyone here familiar with the 'Gomer Pyle' character from American TV, (The Andy Griffith Show and later, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.)? I know that the crowd here is from all over the globe. If not, there's always wikipedia:

OZZIEBOB - 2008-01-03: 04:47:00
Yep! Know the show well: very popular in The Antipodes during 1960s-1970s. "Gomer" : a fool, rustic simpleton did the "rounds" for a while - but haven't heard it for a ages. One etymological source suggests it comes from 'gaum" or "gorm" to stare vacantly.

Tigger - 2008-01-04: 00:35:00
The more common meaning for 'gomer' seems to be for a chronic hospital patient "Get Out of My Emergency Room." Huh, I haven't heard the term 'Antipodes' in a long time either.