Verboticism: Mushgroom

DEFINITION: n. The unexpected moment of horror when you realize that you're sharing your bathroom shower with thousands of rapidly replicating fungi, commonly known as orange slime. v. To be colonized by orange slime.
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Mush-gr-oom
Sentence: Sally decided the only way to get rid of her hangover from the previous nights pub crawl was a good scrub in the shower. Due to her condition she had forgotten to remove her contact lenses before she passed out. This lead to the discovery of a very unpleasant growth of mushgroom lurking in the corner of the shower tray. Being short sighted she had not spotted the disgusting gooey mess before and therefore it had grown to quite a size. Her piercing screams coud be heard for miles, the police arrived expecting to attend a homicide and could not believe it when Sally explained what had actually happened.
Etymology: Mush(a soft wet pulpy mass) + Groom(to pay attention to personal hygiene and appearance) = Mushgrooom. Play on Mushroom(a spore producing body of a fungus)
Points: 764
Comments: Mushgroom
zxvasdf - 2008-09-29: 12:46:00
I'm a sucker for puns. Mushgroom in muchrooms!
metrohumanx - 2008-09-29: 16:46:00
Methinks there exists a link between excessive alcohol consumption and scary fungi, wouldn't you agree, Watson?