Verboticism: Shakenfake

DEFINITION: v., To carefully place a lid on a bottle, especially a salad dressing bottle, so that it appears closed and will not spill unless the bottle is moved or shaken. n., A bottle which has been prepared in such a manner.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: shake-en-fake
Sentence: That Bob, such a wisecapper! He would shake-n-fake every bottle in the house, right after replacing the sugar with salt.
Etymology: Shake 'n' Bake, fake
Points: 512
Comments: Shakenfake
pungineer - 2007-10-23: 08:02:00
Nice word, who do those wisecappers think they are anyway!!!
purpleartichokes - 2007-10-23: 11:54:00
They're all screwed loose.
Jabberwocky - 2007-10-23: 12:11:00
great word