Verboticism: Cleanplateclubitis

'I ate it for the starving kids.'

DEFINITION: v., To finish your plate and eat all the food in front of you, even when not hungry. n., Compulsive over-consumption of food in order to relieve guilt.

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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: cleen/playt/club/eye/tis

Sentence: For years, the threat of no dessert and the empty allure of membership in the 'Clean Plate Club' goaded Stacey into finishing all the food on her plate, even if it meant eating well past the full point into tummy-aching illness. Today, Stacey still suffers from cleanplateclubitis, using garlic bread to scrape up any remaining pasta sauce.

Etymology: The Clean Plate Club, insidious coercion technique used by parents of the previous generation(s) to get kids to eat all their food, plus itis, the common suffix related to disease.

Points: 1013