Verboticism: Jamscram

DEFINITION: n., Second-hand sound which has escaped from a headset. v., To play music on personal listening device so loudly that it leaks out of the earphones.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: 1.jam-skram 2.esk-i-POD-ik
Sentence: Jamscram wasn't part of gran's plan. So when her skiffle went skedaddle, and her euterpia became escipodic, gran knew that, for her, things had become too popacetic.----PS. Also, perhaps gran's chewing gum had lost it's flavour on the bed post overnight!
Etymology: Jam: tune,song, music (slang); jam: to block, scramble or distort radio waves scram to escape. Skiffle:frenetic music style; Skeddaddle:scamper, leave; Euterpia (muse of music) Escipodic:escape&ipod; Popacetic:pop vinegary: sour. (loosely on copacetic)
Points: 530