Verboticism: Noteallrecall

DEFINITION: v., to post sticky notes all over the place, including sticky notes to remind you to read the previously posted sticky notes. n., an obsessive compulsive dependency on sticky notes.
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Note-awl-recawl
Sentence: Brenda was so obssessed with post it notes, having an appalling memory she used them for noteallrecall. She had so many all over the rooms she had forgotton what colour her walls were.
Etymology: Note(a reminder)+ All(everything) Recall(a memory) = Noteallrecall
Points: 1076
Comments: Noteallrecall
Jabberwocky - 2008-08-26: 12:53:00
didn't note-ice this yesterday - very good
scrabbelicious - 2008-08-26: 16:10:00
I wonder if Arnold Schwarzanegger has notallrecall? Vah vah gut.
metrohumanx - 2008-08-27: 01:05:00
That's a great idea for wallpaper.