Verboticism: Buypolar

'But I've already shown you every shoe in the store...'

DEFINITION: To purchase a bauble, article of clothing, or major appliance, in order to alleviate anxiety or other psychological stress. Often leads to overspending.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: bye/pohl/ar

Sentence: Her buypolar personality was responsible for her extravagant spending habits.

Etymology: buy + bi-polar

Points: 737

Comments: Buypolar

purpleartichokes - 2007-08-20: 11:33:00
Buyagra may help.

buggy96 - 2007-08-20: 22:04:00
This is an awesome word! Me thinks I suffer from this disorder.

OZZIEBOB - 2007-08-20: 23:24:00
How much can a buypolar bear? Good word

petaj - 2007-08-21: 05:12:00
A little word recycling I see.

galwaywegian - 2007-08-21: 05:38:00
best word in ages!