Verboticism: Resplurgerate

'But I've already shown you every shoe in the store...'

DEFINITION: To purchase a bauble, article of clothing, or major appliance, in order to alleviate anxiety or other psychological stress. Often leads to overspending.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: re-splurj-er-ate

Sentence: Renae had an oversupply of Eskies (cooler boxes) in her garage, but in her search for the ultimate chill pill, she had just purchased a bar fridge and was eyeing off a side-by-side refrigerator/freezer. Not only was her credit card maxed out, but she was in danger of missing payments on her electricity account. Maybe there's a sweet little retro Kelvinator that will take the edge of the debt stress if she resplurgerated one more time.

Etymology: Refrigerator (a major appliance with a nice chill factor) + splurge (retail binge)

Points: 737