Verboticism: Cripplequirk

'Why? It didn't use to bug you.'

DEFINITION: A personality quirk or habit, which at first blush seems "cute", but which can quickly become so annoying that it undermines personal relationships.

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: krip-uhl-kwurk

Sentence: The townspeople started a rumour that she pushed him into Cripple creek due to his relentless cripplequirking. Biting his toenails in public places was something she couldn't put up with anymore. Rumours are now swirling that he was happy to float along the river, it made his toenails nice and soft and easier to knaw off, and also tastier.

Etymology: cripple (to disable, weaken) + quirk (habit, fetish)

Points: 701