Verboticism: Adeptxiety

'Do I look okay?'

DEFINITION: To require constant reassurance, praise, and -- in emergency situations -- flattery, despite obvious qualifications and/or expertise.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: uh/dept/zahy/i/tee

Sentence: Her psychiatrist diagnosed her problem as adeptxiety. Some of her friends called her insecute and felt she suffered from insecutity, but with a little flatterchatter her self confidence was back and she was over another bout of adeptxiety.

Etymology: adept + anxiety

Points: 416

Comments: Adeptxiety

Stevenson0 - 2007-07-13: 00:42:00
A tip of the hat to 'Peppie' for insecute, 'babel' for insecutity and 'quippingqueen' for flatterchatter. Great words from some excellent players.