Verboticism: Straplessciviousness

'I'm in love with these shoes.'

DEFINITION: To have a favorite article of clothing with which you develop a personal, and even a deeply fulfilling, relationship.

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Strap-luh-siv-ee-us-ness

Sentence: Monica and the formal evening gown she discovered at Macy's drew each other inexorably from the sales rack to the changing room in a straplesscivious way that could only be described as destiny.

Etymology: Strapless+lasciviousness

Points: 770

Comments: Straplessciviousness

amysmiles2000 - 2007-07-11: 15:58:00
can I see you in a strapless number? LMBO gmv

Kyoti - 2007-07-11: 17:17:00
Simple answer... no! ;D