Verboticism: Enpulverag

'The gossip around here is awful.'

DEFINITION: v. To complain and complain about a problem without ever taking action to correct it. n. A complaint about something which you can fix but choose not to.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: enn-PUHL-vurr-AG

Sentence: The perp will remain brainless, but we all know who we're referring to. Her simpering tirade of vapid complaints made work enendurable for anyone unfortunate enough to be shackled to a work station. She would ENPULVERAG all day long, and her juggernaut of semi-valid outrage would begin even before arriving in your zone of control... Her most frequent ENPULVERAGS included, but were not limited to: Cafeteria food is substandard (ptomaine) This is a sick building (my allergies) Other people make personal phone calls (lack of a personal life) My monitor is emitting radiation (OSHA) They didn't put that job opening in the newspaper (EOE) You got a raise before I did and I've been here 25 years (union rep) Although you knew her ENPULVERAG was coming as sure as an incremental raise, nothing known to man could delay or dodge it.

Etymology: ENsign PULVER: Classic role played by Jack Lemmon in movie "Mister Roberts" + RAG: to complain ineffectually ad nauseum = ENPULVERAG

Points: 833

Comments: Enpulverag

metrohumanx - 2008-08-08: 07:06:00

metrohumanx - 2008-08-08: 07:30:00
I wish I was empowered to issue a Unit Citation to all Verbotomists for creativity above and beyond the call of duty. I was sorely in need of vast quantities of theraputic guffaws and believable bellylaughs, and you didn't let me down. AMAZING.

metrohumanx - 2008-08-08: 09:08:00
HOLD THE PRESSES ! CORRECTION ! The movie was "Mister Roberts" but the role of Ensign Pulver WAS Jack Lemmon. Resume Verbotomizing.

Nosila - 2008-08-08: 22:42:00
Dear Metrohumanx: Love your word but more importantly love your story (who cannot relate??) and MOST of all love the support and encouragement you give us all. Today is Olympic Opening Day and you deserve a Gold Medal in group hugs!! Bigger, Faster and Stronger ...or was that what the Nun said to the Bishop??? Anyway, keep doin' what you're doin'! Cheers!