Verboticism: Benefib

'Yeah, I'm in heaven now.'

DEFINITION: n. A harmless untruth, intended to comfort simple souls. v. To use a little bit a fiction to smooth over the perplexities and complexities of life.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ben/uh/fib

Sentence: To keep their spirits up and help them through the day to complete their tasks, the boss would often encourage his staff with a benefib or two.

Etymology: benefit + fib

Points: 905

Comments: Benefib

jedijawa - 2007-04-16: 12:55:00
Dude, you come up with the best words without making them long and cumbersome.

Bulletchewer - 2007-04-16: 15:13:00
And people love voting for the obvious ones! ;)