Verboticism: Somnabulunching

DEFINITION: n. A sudden, uncontrollable desire to eat something fast, usually occurs at bedtime. v. To eat food while lying in bed.
Created by: metrohumanx
Sentence: "Doc, you gotta help me!" Joe said to his psychiatrist. "I wake up and the bed is full of crumbs.I'm putting on weight and i don't remember emptying the refrigerator and cupboard." Doctor Moriarty pressed his fingertips together and, peering over the top of his glasses with a wizened gaze said: "Joe, i've seen this condition before. It's called SOMNABULUNCHING and it strikes far too many people...."
Etymology: SOMNABUlism-sleepwalking+LUNCHING-self explanatory
Points: 662
Comments: Somnabulunching
metrohumanx - 2008-07-13: 21:33:00
I'm back,baby!