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DEFINITION: n., A compulsive need to sniff everything and anything you pick up, even things that typically do not have distinctive odors. v., To habitually sniff everything within your grasp -- just to make sure it's fresh.
Top verboticism of the day created by zxvasdf
Pronunciation: Snuf fle philia
Sentence: Allergy season has the tendency to turn large groups with normal nostril behavior into snufflephiles. It is not just allergies that inflict people with snufflephilia; some individuals are inexorably compelled to sample the smorgasbord of odors populating this world.
Etymology: Snuffle (to sniff) & -philia (tendency towards)
Created by: zxvasdf.
Odors are one of the most powerful memory-jogging senses we posess- the region of the brain that stores memories is intimately linked with the ability to smell.sniff sniff! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:06:00
I reckon Proust made that school of thought popular. If you have children, it's advisable to impress upon them importance of a lesson with an unique, custom made smell. - zxvasdf, 2008-10-28: 00:33:00
I remember that "sour kid smell" all too well. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 17:46:00
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(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Olfactofreak: /ohl-FAC-toe-freek (olfactofreaky,olfactofreakish)/ Eric was seldom Idle.Whenever someone suspected food of having spoiled, they brought it to Eric, who was more than happy to evaluate it's state of advanced decay. Eric was an OLFACTOFREAK of the first order, and he constantly honed his imaginary skills by sniffing everything he could. Being overly fond of "new car smell", he was forcibly ejected from the local Alfa Romeo dealership several times. When Eric and Heidi gassed up their car, Eric OLFACTOFREAKED out over the smell of fresh petrol, and had to be carted off in a state of toxic bliss. His fixation enabled him to detect the smell of a hot tar roof from a mile away, which reminded him of that summer he spent at the Jersey shore. Eric's reputation as an aromajunkie spread far and wide. The Department of Homieland Insecurity even hired him to sniff around cargo containers, searching vainly for contraband. The Government's bloodhound was retired because of nasal polyps, which compromised the dog's sniffability and America's security. When he detected a boatload of tainted Chinese suppositories, Eric the OLFACTOFREAK was idleized for having saved the day once again. Etymology: OLFACTOry+FREAK=OLFACTOFREAK...........OLFCTORY:of or relating to the sense of smell;olfactorius, from olfacere to smell, from olēre to smell + facere to do.....FREAK:an ardent enthusiast b: a person who is obsessed with something (origin unknown) Created by: metrohumanx.
Comments: - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:01:00
Those ol' factories really do smell! Love Idle Gossip...He's a lumberjack and he's okay, he sleeps all night and he works all day...great, now that tune will go through my mind all day! Enough Idle Chatter... - Nosila, 2008-10-27: 20:59:00
I actually LIKE the smell of old factories...except abbatoirs. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 01:49:00
The Stasi -- East German secret police -- kept an enormous museum of "smell samples" of German citizens, kept in case they ever needed to give hunting dogs the scent of a fugitive criminal. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 01:56:00
Compulsniff: /come-pul-sniff/ Kathleen was a bit compulsniff, especially when it came to books. She would pick one up and quickly thumb the pages to release the book's scent. Yearbooks were--and still are--the best smelling books around. Etymology: compulsive + sniff Created by: Nuwanda.
Mmmmmm Boooooks! Yummy smells! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-27: 20:19:00
Great word, Nuwanda...makes scents! - Nosila, 2008-10-27: 21:03:00
Partspermiliac: // Etymology: Created by: Koekbroer.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Why are you sniffing your phone?
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Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie ~ James
Remistram also submitted definition about compulsive sniffing, so I have added her name to the credits for this definition. Thank you again to kabloozie and remistram. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James