Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A state of extreme agitation developed after extended periods of non-stop video game participation; commonly affects males of all ages! v. To twist yourself up into a knot while playing video games.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: ex-box-ick
Sentence: After his wife pulled the plug on his xbox, Marty went into a state of xboxic shock. Fortunately, she knew that it was the game talking, not him...
Etymology: exbox + toxic
Created by: timmy
Pronunciation: violent gamer.
Sentence: Ahhhh! A violentgamer.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: stoo-puh-wahy-fahy
Sentence: Some would blame the coffee, some the lack of sleep but 18 hours of computer combat left Darrell completely stupewified.
Etymology: stupefied (stunned, shocked) wifi (Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Sentence: His nervous system was so electrified by the intensity of 'Creatures of the Deep' that her nagging caused extreme ngagerage.
Etymology: road rage + N-GAGE
Created by: Stevenson0
Sentence: My inability to move to the next level in the game caused a severe case of nintension.
Etymology: Nintendo + tension
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: nin ten done
Sentence: Seven hours of gaming left them nintendone. After a short break they'd get over to Blake's basement where four more hours at the controllers would leave them xbaked.
Etymology: From nintendo and done.
Created by: bjorn
Sentence: His playtation was palpable and frightening, only surpassed in intensity by the noise of the blowers themselves.
Etymology: play + agitation (and sounds like PlayStation)
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: si-ber-spaz-im
Sentence: See how Doug has a cyberspasm because he played Moon Patrol so long that he is now cramped up into a ball.
Etymology: cyber + spasm
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: vidēəsingkrəsē
Sentence: Jill hates holiday weekends. After a three-day binge on the Xbox her husband exhibits his most obnoxious vidiosyncrasies, bouncing off the walls, pretending to shoot, stab or blow her up. It’s all she can do to get him in his suit and off to work. It scares her sometimes knowing that he is the CEO at a nuclear power plant.
Etymology: video (games) (a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen) + idiosyncrasies (a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ilektroumə
Sentence: Summer has not been good for Billy. After 3 straight days of video gaming, he is having a bad case of electrauma. His game of choice, Grand Theft Auto, has left him a virtual vidiot. Everything he picks up becomes a weapon. When he tried to stab his roommate with a toothbrush the attendants at his nursing home decided it was time to cut off his game privileges and get him to sleep.
Etymology: electronic (relating to or carried out using a computer or other electronic device) + trauma (emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury)
vidiot - hilarious! Good word! - splendiction, 2009-07-27: 20:53:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fun rest
Sentence: After his 24 hour marathon of video games, his nerves ragged and his hyperactivity in overdrive, Vern was in a state of funrest. He couldn't psych hmself into sleeping or going to work or doing anything so mundane. His wife Stacy had a solution. She made him go lie down and try to sleep for a while, since a man his age needs a few hours every night. When he finally dozed off, she had come up with the perfect solution. All the consoles and games were well hidden or thrown away so that he could return to normal. Till next time...
Etymology: Fun (violent and excited activity; activities that are enjoyable or amusing) & Unrest (a state of agitation or turbulent change or development;a feeling of restless agitation)
Created by: hvhtim
Pronunciation: GAME-gur
Sentence: I was full of gameger when my mom interrupted my verbotomization.
Etymology: game, anger
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: Are-cade-ie-mal-aid-ie
Sentence: "Yes, that's right (arrow) Your Honour, I'm pleading not guilty on account of the acute bout of arcadyMalady that came over me all of a sudden like, before I went '*BANG*' right arrow, right arrow, x button, y know?"
Etymology: Splicing of Arcade (Place of worship for gamers) and Malady (generally to feel poorly, usually for an extented period as in mourning or in winter blues/greys)
Created by: dekra
Pronunciation: Eggs-ass-per-stay-shun
Sentence: When Tommy emerged from the tunnel vision that COD became after 4 hours, he was in a state of extreme exaasperstation.
Etymology: Exasperation + PlayStation
Created by: logan260
Pronunciation: vid-e-o-path
Sentence: He's a great guy and likes gaming but tends to get videopathic after a couple of hours.
Etymology: videopath...i.e. psychopath, sociopath etc.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: wee-zhure
Sentence: It's no use pretending to wheeze. You're such a drama queen. I don't for one minute think you're having a wiizure. The power has been off all morning.
Etymology: wii + seizure as opposed to a wiifit :)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ink on sow lab ell
Sentence: without his games console he was inconsoleable
Etymology: console inconsolable
Created by: Composite
Pronunciation: [kuɪtɹeɪʤ]
Sentence: Jack had been binging on Call of Duty for hours. He had quitraged when his girlfriend wanted to go out to the park instead. He still is ready to unleash his quitrage on anyone else should they interrupt him.
Etymology: Formed on a similar line to ragequit.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: nin ten don see
Sentence: Zelda was tired of Luigi's addiction to video games. He played them round the clock and his nintendoncy to avoid his work, family and other responsibilities, was what made her announce to him one day, "Good bye, Game Boy,Wii are so headed to divorce court!"
Etymology: Nintendo (Japanese interactive video game maker, part of a huge electronics conglomerate,which actually started in 1889 and has evolved into one of the 3 main video games makers) & Tendency (an inclination to do something;)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: gay-mer-tizz-ee
Sentence: She knew he was in a gamertizzy when he started putting a noose around his neck.
Etymology: gamer (slang for video game addict) + tizzy (excited, in a dither or flap)
Created by: jboehnker
Pronunciation: Oh ver geekd'
Sentence: The police officer was unsympathetic to Bob's claim that he was only speeding because he overgeeked on Rad Racer that evening.
Etymology: overdosed + geek
Created by: chris
Pronunciation: con-soh-lie-tus
Sentence: Bloodshot eyes...ragged breathing....sweaty palms...yup, Nigel clearly had a nasty dose of consolitis
Etymology: console + -itis (suffix meaning inflammation, irritation)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: joi - stik - ness
Sentence: Andre was developing a condition called joystickness; resulting from too many houurs of playing video games. Tightly clenching his input device, he began to shout threats at anyone who tried to interrupt his play. He had lost touch with reality and was becoming psychotic.
Etymology: joystick, sickness
Perfect word for the definition! - splendiction, 2009-07-27: 16:05:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: hyp-er-wee-al-i-ty
Sentence: Mrs. Fudd found Elmer in a state of hyperwiiality when she returned from a visit to her parents and saw that he had been playing video games since she left and had not stopped to eat or sleep. "At least I don't have to do the dishes," she thought as she pulled the plug.
Etymology: hyperreality: blurring the lines of reality and fantasy as in video gaming or online virtual reality. Hyperreality tricks the consciousness into accepting artificially contrived stimulation instead a conscious emotional involvement + Wii: a video game system (Elmer Fudd -- a Looney Tunes cartoon character who couldn't pronounce the letter r in words and substituted the letter w instead)
Created by: ChrisCarrk
Pronunciation: game-ent-a-losis
Sentence: He had a severe case of gamentalosis after playing 7 sraight hours on the computer.
Etymology: game+mental
Created by: quippingqueen
Pronunciation: vid/ee/oh/vex/a/shun
Sentence: Listen Harry, I know you get a real kick out of roaming around your apocalyptic world on a turbo-charged white steed whomping all manner of ghouls and gremlins, but please control your "videovexation", or I shall have to call 911!
Etymology: video + vexation (what some might say is a lethal combination of words with unintended consequences)
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: frust ro gaming
Etymology: its the argh and the urgh and the gargh!
Created by: destroyer
Pronunciation: game-oar-ize
Sentence: James plays World of Warcraft so much, because he loves to gameorize!
Etymology: verb; to socially interact with people online or on Xbox live or anything videogame.
Do you gameorize? Well, congradulations! - destroyer, 2012-05-03: 15:40:00
splendiction - 2009-07-27: 20:51:00
vidiot - hilarious! Good word!
splendiction - 2009-07-27: 20:52:00
Oopp, that last comment was meant for artr's word.