Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who gets completely disoriented whenever they try to do more that one thing at a time. v. To make a big mess because you are trying to do too many things at once.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pyoōnētaskr
Sentence: Julia had to work last Saturday so she asked John to take care or fixing dinner. Knowing that he had little experience in the kitchen, she detailed everything he needed to do. He followed her instructions to the letter. He seared and cooked the steaks, prepared the mashed potatoes and vegetables. He even heated an apple pie for dessert. Unfortunately, John is not only a uni-tasker he is a punitasker. Not being able to manage the details and timing involved in getting it all done at the same time he did them in sequence. First he cooked the meat, then the vegetables and so on. After each step he would add the component to a plate and put it in the warmer oven. By the time Julia got home the steaks had the same consistency as the china. That’s when John displayed his one real talent. He placed an order with the local Chinese restaurant. John’s cooking didn’t go completely to waste. The baby carrots he cooked worked perfectly as toothpicks.
Etymology: puny (small and weak) + task (a piece of work to be done or undertaken) play on uni-tasker (something that has only one function)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: mul-ti-tasked
Sentence: Richard was so inept at multitasking that he was obviously multitaxed.
Etymology: multitask: the ability do several things at once -- the word is derived from a computer term that means the concurrent operation by one central processing unit of two or more processes. + taxed: to use to the limit; to strain or extend
No doubt a new government scheme. - Mustang, 2009-05-13: 07:59:00
nice one - galwaywegian, 2009-05-13: 08:52:00
Created by: griffiegrrl
Pronunciation: Clum-see-task-ing
Sentence: "George made a big mess Clumsitasking by changing a diaper while talking on the phone and watching the evening news."
Etymology: Clumsy - Tasking (akin to Multitasking)
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: dihs-tahs-ker
Sentence: Whether it was calculated or not, every time Rip Van Winkle tried to do anything other than sleep, he showed his nagging wife he was a real distasker.
Etymology: Playing on DISASTER, using DIS/not + TASK/ a piece of work, usually assigned
really like this word! - splendiction, 2009-05-13: 22:46:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: jug-ul-putz
Sentence: Juggleputz wasn't a clever word but it did seem to sum things up and i was trying to make dinner and look after the kids while verbotomizing, so if i spent too long trying to think of a cleverer word i was bound to make a complete juggleputz of myself.
Etymology: juggle, putz
how truly funny and realistic, plus nice to see a sentence from you, backing up your great word(s) - DrWebster111, 2009-05-13: 19:52:00
Good Job! Keep up the sentences :) It's 11 points to complete all areas! You got my vote! - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-14: 11:14:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: term-toil
Sentence: He became so turmtoiled when he was making dessert that he put his Blackberry in the fridge, the milk in his man purse, the eggs in the dishwasher, and the ice cream in the oven.
Etymology: turmoil (state of disorder, uproar, confusion) + toil (hard work, labourious task)
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: moh noh tas ker
Sentence: Doug is such a monotasker, he just spilled his nachos because the movie started.
Etymology: mono + task
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Pig-sty-bunk-ist
Sentence: Sallynag Sunkist knew all too quickly when she married Alberto, he was a pigstybunkist. No matter how many times she nagged...she couldn't change the fact Alberto was so slack. Try as she might to be his Mother he would ignore her. He said "listen here my dear Sallynag, if you don't like the way I am...then pack your bags and leave my pigpen...I've already have a Mother and I do not need another!"
Etymology: Pigsty:(Slang) A dirty,very untidy place,very messy! Bunk: (slang) meaning absurd,ridiculous,something totally stupid. Bunkist: A person that is absurd and ridiculous. Pigstybunkist: A person that is sloppy and untidy and a ridiculous slob.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dis oree ent ex pres
Sentence: Between operating the TV remote, eating, drinking burping and talking on the phone and to the TV set, Bruno was working the disorientexpress. He set the record for making the fastest mess on the couch for his wife Debbie to try and clean, as she cooked dinner, watered the plants, did the laundry and dishes,fed the pets, balanced the books, vacuumed and got tomorrow's lunches for everyone ready. It's true, a woman's work is never done...
Etymology: Disorient (confuse, muddle,flummox) & WordPlay on Orient Express (The Orient Express is the name of a long-distance passenger train service originally operated by the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits. It ran from 1883 to 2009, from Paris to Istanbul.)
Created by: BeauKnows
Pronunciation: Complex-Tro-fee
Etymology: Complex:Composed of many interconnected parts. Catastrophe:A sudden and widespread disaster.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: mull/tee/bas/ket/case
Sentence: Sam was a complete multibasketcase whenever Sally asked him to help with the housework. In the end it was safer to do it on her own.
Etymology: multitask + basket case
Good one! - Nosila, 2009-05-13: 19:19:00
So true Jabber! Kudos to you again! :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-14: 10:34:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: a TEN tion del i cat
Sentence: Jim’s attentiondelicate disorder required he focus on one activity at a time. Even the simplest multitasking would be disastrous, even lethal, for Jim. One such disaster occurred the time he really wanted to fit in at movie night and eat popcorn while watching a movie. Jim stuffed popcorn in his mouth and forgot to chew, requiring the aid of eleven movie-goers and two attendants.
Etymology: From attention and delicate - a variation of "attention deficit disorder".
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: am bee mess truss
Sentence: Most women who are charged with a career, raising a family and keeping a home are ambidextrous multitaskers. Unfortunately, opposites attract, so they tend to get mates who are ambimesstrous. While the woman feeds a baby, irons a shirt for work, packs the lunches, cooks breakfast and ices the cupcakes for kindergarten, the husband stands in front of an open fridge, in front of the milk, shouting "Honey, where's the milk to put in my coffee, I can't see it anywhere?" He's not dressed yet, because she has not told him what to wear and where to find it and he ignores the starving cat and dog, who just want fresh water and food. They know that Mom will get it for them in a moment...
Etymology: Ambidextrous(equally skillful with each hand) & Mess (a state of confusion and disorderliness; informal terms for a difficult situation;make a mess of or create disorder in)
Very funny! :-) - emdeejay, 2009-05-13: 02:35:00
I can identify. - Mustang, 2009-05-13: 07:57:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skatərtaskng
Sentence: Tom believes he is good at multitasking. Anybody near him knows that scattertasking is closer to the truth. If he has more than one thing to do at a time someone is going to be hurt, usually Tom. He's been known to scald himself with hot coffee, staple his fingers, poke himself in the eye with his cell phone and stab himself with a pencil, all before his computer could boot up.
Etymology: scatter (throw in various random directions) + tasking (a piece of work to be done or undertaken)
LMAO! You're so FUNNY! GREAT word! - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-14: 10:53:00
Hey Buddy VOTE for some people on here every once in a while :) Not asking for myself pick words YOU like~ - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-14: 10:55:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: ploo-ral-ost
Sentence: Carter had to leave the orienteering club because he could not read a map, use a compass, carry a pack and observe the position of the sun at the same time to figure out his location. He was a pluralost.
Etymology: plural (more than one) + -ist (suffix as in pianist) + lost (disoriented)
Good job! I was pluralost trying to figure out a word for this definition. - hyperborean, 2009-05-14: 12:35:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: mull-tee-tsk (tongue clicking sound)
Sentence: The sever car pile-up on Route 287 was the direct result of Gary's attempts to multi-tsk. I mean driving and singing along with the radio is one thing. Driving, singing and drinking coffee is another, but Gary was driving, drinking coffee, sending a text message, shaving and reading the paper all at the same time. Tsk tsk, Gary.
Etymology: multi-task + tsk tsk tsk - tonge clicking noise synonamous with "shame on you"
hehe - galwaywegian, 2009-05-13: 12:27:00
I hope Gary has learned his lesson! good word - splendiction, 2009-05-13: 22:51:00
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: Con-flust-err-ent
Sentence: Texting on his phone while walking led Daniel to first add "tree" to the message unintentionally, then walk into it. When trying to gather his papers and talk to the woman who came to his help he found himself confabulating out of befuddlement, messhandling everything until he became quite conflusterrent and babbled senselessly. He found this whole muddletasking thing quite multying.
Etymology: Concurrent - at the same time; Confluence - coming together or occuring together; Fluster - confused and addled by too many things to do!; Err - error or mistake.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: multi trash ing
Sentence: Bruno prided himself on being a superman when it came to accomplishing a lot. The reality is that he could never do more than one thing at a time without leaving a trail behind him. His wife, Hilda figured he was good at multitrashing. She got the vacuum out for the sixth time that day to clean up his tv-watching pile of debris. Then it hit her, I am enabling him. She tossed the vacuum at him and told him to multitask..."Breath, walk and vacuum at the same time...if you can!"
Etymology: Multitasking (the activity of doing more than one thing at the same time)& Trashing (making a mess;express a totally negative opinion of)
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: Mono Umm Oh No!
Sentence: Poor Chris. His left hand really didn't know what the right was doing. Picking up an object with the left meant dropping whatever he held in the right. While he had managed to master talking and walking simultaneously, he was still a real monoahmono kind of guy!
Etymology: From the Spanish "mano a mano", literally hand-to-hand, but frequently (mis)used in English to mean "one on one". One Chris, one activity. No exceptions!
Hand to hand the chaos goes, where it stops no-one knows. - dochanne, 2009-05-15: 04:27:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: u - nee - lim - it - ted
Sentence: When it came to everyday life, Maurice was unilimited. If he was driving, having a conversation might mean that he would run someone over who was crossing the street. As they say, he couldn't "walk and chew gum" at the same time....
Etymology: uni (prefix meaning one), limited (circumscribed: subject to limits or subjected to limits) putting the uni in unlimited completely changes its meaning!
Like it - Nosila, 2009-05-13: 19:19:00
Created by: dekra
Pronunciation: dew-oh-flop
Sentence: Arthur was typical duoflop; two tasks, two failures. Althought adept at channel surfing, a bucket of popcorn or soda added into the mix meant crumbs in the couch and sparks from the clicker. He was a monomaster, but a duoflop.
Etymology: Duo (Two) + Flop (Fail)
Created by: logan260
Pronunciation: shatt-ur-scat-urd
Sentence: Man, you are so "shatterscattered"....every time you try to do more than one thing, you screw em both up.
Etymology: shattered--obvious scattered--someone who is experiencing mental disarray.
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: am' bee - kluts - er- us
Sentence: Yvonne knows how ambiklutzerous William is. She loves him dearly though, even more than the scotch guard.!
Etymology: ambi (around, both, ) + klutz (clumsy, awkward) + dexterous (w/o the dexterity)
Created by: wizzbritt
Pronunciation: Mul-tee-fay-ul
Sentence: I tried to brush my teeth while feeding the baby and jogging on the treadmill but ended up multi failing.
Etymology: Multi: more than one Fail: be unsucessful
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: task/mix/mas/tur
Sentence: A true taskmixmaster will royally screw up multiple tasks at once.
Etymology: task + mixmaster
Good onme...stir the pot! - Nosila, 2009-05-13: 19:18:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: muhl-tee-tak-sing
Sentence: Nobody wants to admit how slow-witted Jeremy is, afterall, he is the boss. Doing more than one thing at a time is multitaxing for him. He often has to hold his breath to form a thought.
Etymology: multitasking (the carrying out of two or more tasks at the same time by one person) + taxing (to make heavy demands on; strain)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: slohpp ur aht iv
Sentence: George Jnr was a natural born sloperative, just like his dad. The only family in thos parts that were allergic to Wrigleys
Etymology: operative, slop
terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-14: 14:47:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: diss-com-BOCH-yew-lay-ted
Sentence: Normally a very handy and well coordinated guy, whenever he tried to do even minor multitasking Boris would become totally discombotchulated and as often as not would end up with things broken, spilled, torn or ruined.
Etymology: Play on the word discombobulated, with 'botch' an inclusion.
There are many Boris' in the world! - Nosila, 2009-05-13: 19:17:00
love it - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-14: 14:48:00
Verbotomy - 2009-05-13: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by mweinmann Thank you mweinmann ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-11-24: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by mweinmann. Thank you mweinmann. ~ James