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DEFINITION: n. A pop culture entertainment property, which has transcended itself and become a de facto religion with legions of devotees, prescribed rituals and sacred texts. v. To follow a pop culture icon with unquestioning devotion.
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Created by: pungineer
Pronunciation: Jed/i/fi/cation
Sentence: Mmm mused Mr. Yoda, what with the house prices and all the roomy interstellar 2 craft parking spaces round here, undergoing quite the jedification, this area is.
Etymology: Blend of : jedi (star wars religion)+ gentrification (middle classification of an area)
I was leaning towards the Jedi....good fusion, Punge! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:33:00
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:43:00
Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:14:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: trek tair ian ism
Sentence: When Jock Spock came out of the ladies washroom at the Star Trek Convention, he gave the Vulcan hand signal and said, "Live long and Prosper". Being a strict follower of trektarianism, he hoped his clever response would divert the ire of the waiting women. It did not.
Etymology: Trek (as in Star Trek, popular sci-fi TV series) & Tractarianism (principles of the founders of the Oxford movement as expounded in pamphlets called Tracts for the Times)
Created by: cococo
Pronunciation: ner - gee - kism
Sentence: They worship linux and hate windows, they suffer of Nergikismn
Etymology: nerd + geek
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pīətrek
Sentence: Wendell follows his heroes with the fervor of a pilgrim. Last Fall he took a pietrek to the convention center sporting his finest repliclothes. I\'d like to say he took a date with him but we all know better than that.
Etymology: piety (the quality of being religious or reverent) + trek (Star Trek)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: i-con-o-lize
Sentence: Some celebrities, musical stars and sports figures have been so iconolized in the press that they can be girlfriend beaters, wife cheaters, drug abusive, self-indulgent idiots and still command the love and admiration of millions of followers who have no idea what a real hero is.
Etymology: icon: an idol; one who is the object of devotion + idolize: to regard with blind devotion or devotion; to worship as an idol
it's good :) - sanssouci, 2010-01-13: 18:47:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: vəkanənīzd
Sentence: Most people aren’t quite so obsessive about a TV show as Wendell. He loves every and anything Star Trek. He views it as a religion. With his good acts and pointed ears, he fully expects to be vulcanonized after he dies.
Etymology: Vulcan (a race of beings from Star Trek) + canonized (to be declared a saint by the Catholic church)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Ha-ree-pot-ee
Sentence: Ever since the first book came out onto the shevles, kids wanted to be just like their hero Harry Potter. This led to parents everywhere having to pretend that their little darlings had turned them into toads and spent half the day hopping around in the crouched position.
Etymology: Potty(extremely enthusiastic about someone or something) See also Harry Potter books /films
You crcked me up again, Tjayzz - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:19:00
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-12: 15:42:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ab ba so loo shun
Sentence: After the competition met their "Waterloo" at Eurovision, ABBA became a cult religion that has lasted over 30 years. Yes, ABBAcadaABBAra! and the faith ABBAsolution was Bjorn, where new followers say "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do", to it everyday. The group's, "I have a Dream" became mantra for others as well. It's "The Name of the Game" that many ordinary people take sABBAticals and ABBAdicate their responsibilities to become "Super Troupers", spending all their "Money, Money, Money" on music, paraphanalia and tickets. (I mean "Does Your Mother Know?") One of the Bennyfits of this faith, is that you can "Take A Chance On Me" and meet some "Fernando" or "Chiquitita" who will say: "Lay All Your Love On Me" and make you a "Dancing Queen" after you belt out that fine old hymm (him?)..."Gimme, Gimme, Gimme A Man After Midnight!" "Knowing Me, Knowing You" it's the best they can do, because they do not believe in ABBAstinence. "Mamma Mia", this ABBAsolution has spread from ABBArdeen to Addis ABBAba to ABBAsynnia and even ABBAtibi, Quebec ("Voulez-Vous?"). The ABBApeal is mAgnethic to devotees Anna-Frieda to join in. Instead of saying say, "Thank You For The Music!" and "SOS"...Save Our Souls, ABBAsolutely!)
Etymology: ABBA - Famous Swedish Foursome (Agnetha,Bjorn,Benny & Anna-Frieda) who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 and released their first album in 1975 and went on to top the pop charts for years, only to have had recent revivals of new generations of fans since the release of Mamma Mia, the stage and movie musical) & Absolution (forgiveness;formal redemption as a religious act in the sacrament of the penance) & Solution (a set of values;a statement that solves a problem or finds answers)
Wow! VERY thorough, usual, you excel. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:07:00
Shake a tea-towel tell me what's wrong and absolution may be hours. - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-12: 17:46:00
You are ABBAsolved of any sins associated with the creation of this word! - readerwriter, 2008-08-13: 04:43:00
Another good word and great story - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:19:00
Another good word and great story - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:19:00
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: pahp-VUHL-churr-ihz-uhm
Sentence: Alex's girlfriend didn't understand why he HAD to go to EwokLoverCon '07 because she didn't understand popvulturism.
Etymology: pop culture + vulture (ravenous appetite) + -ism (belief)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: sigh fye doll a tree
Sentence: the sheer vulcanicity of his scifidolatry kept him klinging on to the slightest enterprising young stardate like a windblown roofer hanging tightly to the wainscottying.
Etymology: sci fi, idolatry
You've picard a good theme for your sentence. I nearly Shatner myself chuckling. - petaj, 2007-06-19: 07:18:00
Stellar sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-19: 08:02:00
Love it. - Clayton, 2007-06-19: 12:35:00
was his name Roger Dolatry? - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-19: 14:56:00
Verbotomy - 2007-06-19: 00:19:00
Today's definition was inspired by Robert J. Sawyer. One of the neat things about Rob's writing is that he likes to ask questions about the big issues -- like religion and ethics -- while he peppers his stories with pop culture references. And one of his favorite pop icons is Star Trek! Rob we love you! And we celebrate Star Trek in your honor! Not that we're getting religious about it or anything... Thanks! ~ James
scrabbelicious - 2008-08-12: 16:18:00