Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., 1. A pine needle infestation, common during and after the holiday season. 2. Prickly Christmas guests who will not leave and cannot be cleaned up. v., To fall down during a holiday party and hide under a rug.
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Created by: xirtam
Pronunciation: pahyl-muhng-kee
Sentence: Ouch! I stepped on another pilemonkey. I thought we got all of those pine needles out of the carpet. ... Dan became a pilemonkey after he got drunk at our New Years party, and slept it off wrapped in the carpet from our foyer.
Etymology: pile: as in carpte pile + Monkey: a person likened to such an animal, as a mischievous, agile child or a mimic. OR Monkey: a burdensome problem, situation, hindrance.
will you need a pilemonkotomy to get the needle out? - tonii, 2007-12-17: 22:56:00
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: pine/kushun
Sentence: I felt like a Christmas pinecushion as I fumbled trying to plug in the lights.
Etymology: pincushion + pine
Love it! - purpleartichokes, 2007-12-17: 18:04:00
Created by: looseball
Pronunciation: pine+myne
Sentence: Quik get the sweeper and suck up that pinemyne before we smoke this weed and lose our vision.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pine/stil/ence
Sentence: The pinestilence invades our home every Christmas season and takes months to rid the house of this dreaded needle.
Etymology: pine + pestilence
Created by: bzav1
Pronunciation: scorn a ment
Sentence: 1)I was constantly sweeping and vaccuuming the scornament around the tree before it punctured the kids' missiletoes. 2)Finally, after all the other guests had left, Johnson nodded off in mid sentence. We slipped off to bed, leaving him there amidst the holiday accoutrements, a snoring Christmas scornament.
Etymology: scorn + ornament
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: scru/urj
Sentence: Bah humbug! Stepping on pine needles from Christmas past, present and future is the scrourge of Christmas.
Etymology: scrourge + scrooge
Created by: roger153
Pronunciation: needle / bain
Sentence: Every year we have to put up with this same needlebain all over the house.
Etymology: pine needle mess
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pôrkyəpīntrē
Sentence: Why is it that the needles from the porcupinetree seem to actively burrow into the carpet like so many quill moles.
Etymology: porcupine (a large rodent with defensive spines or quills on the body and tail) pine tree (an evergreen coniferous tree that has clusters of long needle-shaped leaves)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: PEST-tuh-klawz
Sentence: When Bob hadn't left Christmas celebrations at the home of Roxie's parents by New Year's day, her family decided that it was time to look for ways to kinstirpate this perdurable pestaclaus.
Etymology: PESTACLAUS: blend of pest & Santa Claus. KINSTIRPATE: (kin & extirpate)-not my word: source??
funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-17: 13:36:00
I'm a fan of Kinstirpate, but maybe it should be (kin + constipate), i.e. like when you can get the kin-folk to leave, your house is kinstirpated. - Tigger, 2007-12-17: 23:34:00
Ah, I meant "like when you _can't_ get the kin-folk to leave..." - Tigger, 2007-12-17: 23:36:00
Created by: jmotsch
Pronunciation: Yewl gibbins
Sentence: Janice had been fervently combating the yulegibbons since January.
Verbotomy - 2007-12-17: 01:45:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram Thank you remistram ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-12-21: 00:14:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
dimatehtunov - 2018-12-21: 21:54:00
good ivning .