Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To exercise power through the strategic use of personal insults, while pretending to offer encouragement. n. A leader who motivates people by insulting them.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: dee - meen - ee
Sentence: Amy was known as a demeanie around the office because she seemed to always find a way to make those around her feel bad about themselves. Her insults were always couched inside of a bit of sweet talk so she got away with it quite a bit.....
Etymology: demean (degrade or make one aware of their shortcomings), meanie (a person of mean disposition)
fun word - I'll have to share it with the kids - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-06: 14:17:00
Created by: bigdog
Sentence: My team lead always makes me look like an idiot during meeting when he sandbags me with a public show of slurport for my work.
Etymology: slur - impugn one's character or ability + support - to encourage
Good one. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:51:00
Created by: Wordotwist
Pronunciation: Ouf en spire
Sentence: The offenspirational capabilities of our supervisor keeps the entire workforce at the stitching factory on tether hooks.Only yesterday she humiliaded Nancy with the most flattering comments about her eyes ; followed immediately by the advise on how she could deliver more acceptable results if she kept them on her stitch – rather on the nearby ‘slicks’ for most of the time !
Etymology: A combination of offend - as to offend through an insulting,demeaning etc remark; and inspire - through encouragement,praise etc.
Created by: Roubicek
Sentence: I receive nothing but preyse from my boss.
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: gal-van-eye-a-late
Sentence: The staff were conflicted by their boss. "You fat &*!£s need to show me what ya got!" she would yell. After a team hug and a pep talk they'd rush back to their desks feeling excited. But there was also a lingering sense of humiliation. They'd been well and truly galvannihilated.
Etymology: galvanise (to stimulate or excite) + annihilate (to destroy)
Created by: couv78
Pronunciation: Com-pli-min-sult
Sentence: She just told me that the report looks good but she reckons she could have had a monkey do it and get the same result - I think she just compliminsulted me?
Etymology: From Compliment and Insult
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: en-slur-age-ment
Sentence: Margot was always ready to give ensluragement whenever someone got above their raisin by thinking they could do her job as well as she did. That way she could eliminate the competition and still sound like she was trying to help her underlings.
Etymology: encouragement: to inspire hope, courage or confidence + slur: to talk about disparagingly or insultingly; to cast a disparaging remark
It takes slurrage to stand up to your subordinates. - artr, 2010-01-06: 09:20:00
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: no/ti/vay/shun/al
Sentence: June was so insecure in her position as team leader, that each year when it was her turn to "pump up" her team at the company's annual banquet, she would make sure to have the best notivational speech prepared. Armed with about 15 minutes of subliminal messages, she would also politely reject any ideas and suggestions with a smile, followed by a rolling of the eyes as she pointed to the next raised hand.
Etymology: Motivation: Stimulation of a salesperson's, dealer's, or employee's innate desires and personal objectives by a program of recognition. Notivational: The "antithesis" of the above. :)
subtle yet sweet....powerpoint to the people! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:12:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-06: 04:56:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: duh-meen-aj-err
Sentence: he liked his job but he couldn't stand his new demeanager
Etymology: demean, manager
Was the demeanager a good derision-maker. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 08:00:00
Slurly you can't be supercilious. The demeanager was emcloyee of the smear. Don't friendsult his inelegance. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 09:31:00
great word rikboyee - I'll definitely use this one - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 10:57:00
Verbotomy - 2007-06-12: 01:52:00
The second step in Timothy Johnson's GUST process is Understanding. And apparently, based on the number of definitions we received on this topic, everybody understands what it is like to have a bad boss. Today's definition was suggested by ohwtepph , suzanne, and remistram. Thank you ohwtepph, suzanne, remistram, and Timothy! ~ James
lumina - 2008-08-07: 13:49:00
Wow! So fun and an honor to have come up with the "winning" word. "I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents and of course Jesus." ha Thanks to the voters! (she says as the music starts playing and the tap dancing man with the hook from the gong show comes into view...)
Verbotomy - 2010-01-06: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by ohwtepph. Thank you ohwtepph. ~ James