Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A prop (e.g. papers, files or any non-functional equipment) used to create the illusion of busyness. v. To use office supplies to create the illusion that you are working.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: ah-n-tee-w-urk-ay-d
Sentence: Bill always carried his antiwork aid in order to avoid having to actually work at the office.
Etymology: anti+work+aid
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: Rhymes with "paperwork."
Sentence: With enough important-looking documents, I can wander around for hours papershirking.
Etymology: Rhymes with "paperwork."
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: fan/toe/files
Sentence: Joe had six different coloured sets of phantofiles he alternated at various times of the day to keep 'The Man' off his case and to demonstrate his industriousness and multitasking abilities. "Damn, he's good!" thought his boss. "He's been working on six different projects today and it's only noon." Joe's phantofiles put him in line for a raise.
Etymology: PHANTOFILES - noun - from PHANTOM (an appearance, or illusion without material substance) + FILES (a container, or folder for keeping papers in order)
I worked with a guy that did that...he got away with it until his new female boss figured him out and gave him the boot! - Nosila, 2008-08-06: 00:50:00
pesty female bosses! - scrabbelicious, 2008-08-06: 06:43:00
What datum lurks in the hearts of men?Only the Phantofile knows. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-06: 11:25:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dok u men tal it ee
Sentence: Pierre's ruse was to use his documentality to elude real work. He would carry any official-looking folder or paper to make it look like he was on his way to a very important meeting. In fact, he remembered the trick his English classes used about the different words "stationary & stationery". The "ar" one stood for At Rest, as in stationary machinery and the other "er" one stood for the last 2 letters in paper...or in his case "Eternally Roving".
Etymology: Document (writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature); anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks) & Mentality (a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations; mental ability)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: DOCK-yew-flawj
Sentence: Harper fancied himself a very clever tactician, using an old empty attache case as docuflage, believing that coworkers were convinced that he was actually packing a large work schedule, though everyone in the office had been on to his scam for years.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'document' (various paperwork) and 'camouflage' (a device or stratagem used for concealment)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: port - pfon - eeeooo
Sentence: Robert held tight to his large portfonio as he passed his manager's office. He really had nothing to do but he nicely played the part of a person who had millions of things to do and people to see.
Etymology: Portfolio - A collection of papers and accomplishment and another word for notebook. + phony (not real).
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: boss-a-coy
Sentence: In order for Bob to fool his boss...he would often walk around with his trusty bossacoy to look busy.
Etymology: Boss-Manager. Part of "Decoy" - Someone or something used to draw attention away from another.
Created by: cpeterc
Pronunciation: Fo - Port
Sentence: "Wait - I'll never make it past Mr. Big's office without a Fauxport, This folder will do."
Etymology: Faux = faxe or simulated Port from Passport a document that allows you to travel freely.
Your papers, please.... - metrohumanx, 2008-08-06: 16:48:00
Created by: Wordotwist
Pronunciation: Tom fie la ree
Sentence: Zain was an expert at timefilery;always carrying about a load of files and walking rapidy when moving in front of the boss's window - to give the impression he was very busy.
Etymology: from tomfoolery
Created by: LunaC
Pronunciation: sham-o-flaw-ge
Sentence: The new employee furiously types an email to his friend as shamoflauge in case his boss walks by.
Etymology: sham + camoflauge
Verbotomy - 2007-06-13: 00:01:00
The "S" in Timothy Johnson's GUST stands for Strategy. And strategy is key! Especially if you are trying to get way with doing nothing. Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram and Timothy! ~ James
Rebekah - 2009-11-05: 18:33:00
Verbotomy - 2010-01-07: 00:38:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James