Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To engage in an emotional debate over the small, yet somehow surprisingly important details in a simple game. n. An emotional game player
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: gaym - bayn - grrr
Sentence: Freddy was behaving like a gamebanger while he angrily shouted out the clues in this round of password. He felt that Sherman had secretly slipped the secret word to Shirley during the lightening round and it had put his team behind.
Etymology: game, gangbanger, bang
Excellent! - splendiction, 2009-10-15: 23:09:00
Created by: sedatedeyes209
Pronunciation: min·us·cu·lo·quac·i·ty
Sentence: Congressmen must have mastered using minisculoquacity in order to sound educated but that practice only shows that the opposite.
Etymology: ~Miniscule + *Loquacity ~Very small; tiny *The habit or practice of talking continually or excessively; inclination to talk too much; talkativeness; garrulity.
Created by: AJrunsonrice
Pronunciation: whore-moan-op-poll-eyes
Sentence: John has played Monopoly ever since he was a kid. It is his favorite game. Last Sunday, he played with his new friends, but began hormonopolizing due to his friends' ignorance of the standard rules.
Etymology: hormone-(a substance, especially in women that are pregnant, that drastically affects a person's emotional state)+ Monopoly (a board game that requires the player to buy out all of his/her competition in order to be victorious)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skrab-uhl-skwob-uhl
Sentence: Everybody loves that James now has an electronic edition of Scrabble. Nobody has to engage in a scrabblesquabble when they play him. When he tries to play a word that he "knows" is right, he can scream at the computer all he wants and nobody but neighbors within three blocks have to hear it.
Etymology: Scrabble (Board game where you create interconnected words) + squabble (to engage in a petty quarrel)
Created by: Bulletchewer
Pronunciation: bullitt-choo
Sentence: He would bulletchew over whether the philospher had a minor or major role in the world of psychology, insisting with all of his deluded heart that such a description was vital, not silly and trivial.
Etymology: All of you should check out Alchemist's word "guiltenfreude" from a few days ago. The origin is from yours unruly, and the name seemed appropriate too- only a fool would chew bullets, and likely break their teeth.
wouldn't dare argue with this verbotomy - very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-28: 09:53:00
OK, credit given with a vote. - petaj, 2007-03-29: 05:17:00
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: con-test-ee
Sentence: Jez was a REALLY competitive player. If he sensed his opponent wasn't paying sufficient attention he would get all contesty and yell, "This is NOT just a GAME!"
Etymology: contest (a formal game in which two or more players compete and attempt to win) + testy (irritably impatient, touchy)
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: scrab BUE pu LOUS
Sentence: His intensely fussy way of playing scrabble earned him the name: Mr. Scrabbupulous. It was he the scrabbupulous player who used rules when they were only in his favour to win. One day, determined to change the state of play, they beat him at his game with petty plays and constant whining, louder than Mr. Scrabbupulous’! (Memorizing the dictionary did help them). Scrabbupulous, a bad loser, declared, “There’s something wrong with my game!”
Etymology: Scrabble, scrupulous, tumultuous.
He turned into Mr.Scabbupulous! - Nosila, 2009-10-16: 01:40:00
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: lose-o-phobe
Sentence: He was losophobing around, so i simply marked him on my list of people to never play again with. If you like gaming, stay away from losophobians.
Etymology: lose + phobia = losophobe
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: skrab bel liv id it ee
Sentence: Sheldon was a poor sport when he played board games. He cheated and intimidiated his partners and got mad when he lost. His scrabblividity usually resulted in shouting matches. It was suspected that he had vowel trouble...
Etymology: Scrabble (board game like crossword) & Lividity (a state of fury so great the face becomes discolored)
petaj - 2007-03-28: 05:25:00
Glad to see a definition coming out of the cheatedebate that went on the other day :-)
Bulletchewer - 2007-03-28: 06:26:00
Give a brother some credit for that one.
Verbotomy - 2009-10-15: 03:18:00
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist. Thank you Alchemist. ~ James