Vote for the best verboticism.

'That's my word!'

DEFINITION: v. To engage in an emotional debate over the small, yet somehow surprisingly important details in a simple game. n. An emotional game player

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: Triv-eyn-l

Sentence: Family game night never seemed to bring the group closer together due to little Juan's trivanal need to overanalyze every minor detail of the game.

Etymology: Trivial - Anal Why do I emphathise with this definition....

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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: skr ab qu obb le

Sentence: never get in to a game of scrabble with John, it will always end in a scrabquobble

Etymology: from quibble and scrabble and squabble.

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: scrab BUE pu LOUS

Sentence: His intensely fussy way of playing scrabble earned him the name: Mr. Scrabbupulous. It was he the scrabbupulous player who used rules when they were only in his favour to win. One day, determined to change the state of play, they beat him at his game with petty plays and constant whining, louder than Mr. Scrabbupulous’! (Memorizing the dictionary did help them). Scrabbupulous, a bad loser, declared, “There’s something wrong with my game!”

Etymology: Scrabble, scrupulous, tumultuous.


He turned into Mr.Scabbupulous! - Nosila, 2009-10-16: 01:40:00


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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: ver BUSE'

Sentence: I like playing games with my brother, except when he ends up getting upset over my interpretation of the rules and subjects me to the most terrible verbuse. I say he's too rigid, then he says the way I'm doing it is "incorrect" and "inaccurate." And don't ever say to him, "Who cares about these little details; it's JUST A GAME," because that's when he begins sputtering and spouting some REALLY verbusive language. Last time, it was, "Oh, I forgot, you're the 'good-looking' brother [he still hasn't forgotten THAT remark from Aunt Sophie, 35 years later], but that's okay, because I'm the SMART one!"

Etymology: verbose + verbal abuse


Very apt word...good one! - Nosila, 2009-10-15: 18:20:00


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Created by: ArtistInTraining

Pronunciation: dram-jaw

Sentence: john can sometime's be big dramejah when he is starting to lose. he over reacts all the time!

Etymology: drame - french for drama jah - from jue (french for game)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: gaym - bayn - grrr

Sentence: Freddy was behaving like a gamebanger while he angrily shouted out the clues in this round of password. He felt that Sherman had secretly slipped the secret word to Shirley during the lightening round and it had put his team behind.

Etymology: game, gangbanger, bang


Excellent! - splendiction, 2009-10-15: 23:09:00


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Created by: LittleLula





Good word, Lula...just fleshj in with a pronunciation;sentence & etymology, plus 2 votes to expand your score!Cheers! - Nosila, 2009-10-16: 21:51:00


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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: scrim/bage

Sentence: They got inot a real scrimbage while playing card games

Etymology: scrimmage (struggle) + cribbage

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bawl der dash

Sentence: It was always a Risk to invite Bawlthazar the Bawlderdash to our weekly Games Night. He liked to have a Monopoly on winning but did not use his Cranium. His thoughts were so Scrabbled and so Scattergoried that he did not have a Clue how to play most games. And yet he would bawl when he lost. We started having secret Games Nights. I know, it was a Trivial Pursuit of some fun, but if The Bawlderdash got wind of our plans, we would be Sorry. Somedays we wanted to sink his Yahtzee with our Battleship. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...I guess that's just the Game of Life!

Etymology: Balderdash (a popular board game of trivia and bluffing, where players bluff meanings of obscure words to win points, Balderdash is also defined as trivial nonsense) & Bawl (cry loudly;shout loudly and without restraint;make a raucous noise)


Balderdash is my favourite game! Great word and sentence. - splendiction, 2009-10-15: 23:06:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: skra-pull

Sentence: Despite the fact that the points were as useless as tits on a bull, Bulletchewer and Jabberwocky scrappled over the nuances of Stevenson0's Verbotocism. In the meantime, Purpleartichoke's word languished, garnering nothing more than a passing glance.

Etymology: Scrabble - the word game; Scrap - an argument; Scrap - a small detail; Scrapple - A Pennsylvania Dutch meat product made from cornmeal mush mixed with normally discarded pork scraps, onions, and spices.


petaj sounds like an acrimonopolyous encounter - petaj, 2007-03-28: 05:41:00

My apologies in advance for monikerizing on my fellow Verbotomists. I couldn't think clearly this morning as I still have that damn song stuck in my head. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 05:56:00

petaj No doubt that's why you've mistaken Jabberwocky for Alchemist. - petaj, 2007-03-28: 05:57:00

Did not! Aw geez, don't mess with me! (... in white satin. Never reaching the end...) - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 06:04:00

Do bulls have nipples? Let's get into a bulletchew over this one. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 06:34:00

Why of course they do, Bulletchewer! Everyone knows that bulls secretly want to be cows, but then again, that may be a lot of nipbull. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-28: 07:24:00

Petaj, dude, read again, I have more than one bullet to chew. The voodoo child was right! So technically bulls do have tits (teats=nipples) but are they still useless...? Mahahaha I'm playing with you now. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 08:47:00

I've heard "scrapple" used to describe a breakfast dish in the Scranton, PA region of Pennsylvania from a college friend. I'm not sure what type of food that it is though. Still, I like this word! - jedijawa, 2007-03-28: 08:57:00

Sounds like something Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute would eat. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-28: 09:21:00

I was looking for a word like this but it eluded me :D - Discoveria, 2007-03-28: 09:57:00

petaj oops, misread that one. Thought it was the nuances of guiltenfreude that were scrappled. - petaj, 2007-03-29: 05:15:00


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petaj petaj - 2007-03-28: 05:25:00
Glad to see a definition coming out of the cheatedebate that went on the other day :-)

Bulletchewer - 2007-03-28: 06:26:00
Give a brother some credit for that one.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-15: 03:18:00
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist. Thank you Alchemist. ~ James